p4535992 / conditional-visibility

a FoundryVTT module to hide tokens from some players, but not from others
MIT License
6 stars 8 forks source link

[BUG] Attempting to update for v10, missing lang ko.json file #55

Open tyrannodorkus opened 1 year ago

tyrannodorkus commented 1 year ago

Module Version: v0.6.14

Describe the bug Attempting to update this module on foundry vtt 10 and hitting issue [conditional-visibility] Metadata validation failed for module "conditional-visibility": The file "lang/ko.json" included by module conditional-visibility does not exist

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Foundry vtt version 10
  2. Go to Add-on Modules
  3. Install or update Conditional-Visibility
  4. See error in console error output F12

Expected behavior Conditional-visibility installs or updates without issue.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. conditiona-visbility-1663003915757.log

Foundry Version: Version 10 build 285

Additional context Found that to correct this will need the ko.json file added or remove the reference of the language file from the module.json file. Current workaround is to go to your FoundryVTT\Data\modules\conditional-visibility directory and remove the reference in module.json (located under "languages": ) or copy the en.json in the lang directory, then rename the duplicate to ko.json, then after one of those two steps is done, go into foundry vtt and lock the module from updates until a resolution is done to this module.

Fridan99 commented 1 year ago

the same bug

Kyobinoyo commented 1 year ago

The mod is not yet compatible with the Foundry Version 10, probably need to wait for an update.

JML-fr commented 1 year ago

Exact same problem here.