p4535992 / foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e

A module for Foundry VTT that allows users to keep track of downtime activities, quest progress and... Well, pretty much anything you can track with a loading bar and a %.
MIT License
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Adding a Tab for the DND 3.0.3 character sheet #11

Closed Twilimark closed 3 months ago

Twilimark commented 6 months ago


Currently, the new character sheet doesnt show a tab to see the downtime activity.

With the old sheet, it looked like this on the console.

nav class="sheet-navigation tabs" data-group="primary"> a class="item active" data-tab="attributes">Attributes a class="item" data-tab="inventory">Inventory a class="item" data-tab="features">Features a class="item" data-tab="spellbook">Spellbook a class="item" data-tab="effects">Effects a class="item" data-tab="biography">Biography a class="item" data-tab="training">Downtime a class="item" data-tab="beavers-crafting"> /nav With the new sheet, it looks like this:

nav class="tabs" data-group="primary"> a class="item control active" data-group="primary" data-tab="details" data-tooltip="DND5E.Details" aria-label="DND5E.Details"> i class="fas fa-cog"> /a> dnd5e-icon src="systems/dnd5e/icons/svg/backpack.svg"> /a> a class="item control" data-group="primary" data-tab="features" data-tooltip="DND5E.Features" aria-label="DND5E.Features"> i class="fas fa-list"> /a> a class="item control" data-group="primary" data-tab="spells" data-tooltip="TYPES.Item.spellPl" aria-label="TYPES.Item.spellPl"> i class="fas fa-book"> /a> a class="item control" data-group="primary" data-tab="effects" data-tooltip="DND5E.Effects" aria-label="DND5E.Effects"> i class="fas fa-bolt"> /a> a class="item control" data-group="primary" data-tab="biography" data-tooltip="DND5E.Biography" aria-label="DND5E.Biography"> i class="fas fa-feather"> /a> a class="item" data-tab="beavers-crafting"> i class="fas fa-scroll"> /a> /nav>

StarOfChorusim commented 5 months ago

It would be amazing to see this followed up on! It just isn't the same without this module.

NdranC commented 3 months ago

Please, check and merge Forien's fix.

p4535992 commented 3 months ago

I am in more of a hurry than you since I commissioned the thing from Forien who was kind enough to do it for me very quickly, but the free time I can devote to my projects is incredibly short . I should be able to test this weekend if Dnd5e version 3.2.0 hasn't broken something in the meantime.... However, I suggest you to thank @Forien to give him something on his patreon or kofi.

NdranC commented 3 months ago

Hey, sorry I didn't mean to sound pushy or insensitive. It was more of a bump to the issue that I quickly typed from my phone. Please take the time you need and I'm glad you are still active. Maybe because I don't use github very often but sometimes is hard to tell if something is "abandoned" or just in low activity; that's why I make these types of pokes to see if there is someone home.

Never the less thank you for the mod and thanks Forien for the contribution.

p4535992 commented 3 months ago

No problem sorry it was not a criticism, now that I reread what I wrote in fact it could have been interpreted as such ... i ask your forgiveness, in fact i am sorry for the wait