p4535992 / foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e

A FoundryVTT module, providing a visual modification to player character sheets to better display the effects of the Encumbrance variant ruleset in the PHB.
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[BUG] No longer compatible with the new Tidy5e sheet #34

Open morepurplemorebetter opened 6 months ago

morepurplemorebetter commented 6 months ago

Module versions Variant Encumbrance+Midi v0.15.2 Tidy5e v1.4.0

Describe the bug Tidy5e development has been taken over and is now available as foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets. This unfortunately seems to break Variant Encumbrance+Midi if tidy5e is active (doesn't have to be the active sheet Edit: it does have to be the active sheet).

I'm using Variant Encumbrance+Midi to make it possible for characters to unequip items and not have it count toward the total weight and then have the encumbered active effect apply automatically.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Set unequiped item modifier to 0
  2. Unequip an item
  3. See the item not change weight
  4. See the bar underneath change, but The bar doesn't change, nor does the total weight (I understood this wrongly the first time around, it was changing due to Item Collections)
  5. The active effect gets applied one change too late. Unequiping an item to bring one down below the encumbrance threshold does not immediately remove the active effect. However, making any other change to any inventory item (e.g. quantity, equip state) does remove the active effect.

System DnD5e v2.4.1

Foundry Version: v11.315

Browser: Mozilla Firefox v123.0

p4535992 commented 6 months ago

Maybe is connected to this https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/250 , but you say is not only a visual issue ? is a calculation weight issue ?

morepurplemorebetter commented 6 months ago

Some more testing has shown me that these are two separate issues.

1. Active effect delay

The delay with applying the active effect is present for me even when Tidy5e is disabled.

Active Modules (this is all of them in the test world) Variant Encumbrance+Midi v0.15.2 DFreds Convenient Effects v6.0.3 Dynamic effect using Active Effects (DAE) v11.1.11 Midi QOL v11.3.24 libWrapper v1.12.13.0 socketlib v1.0.13

Here a screen recording from my test world:



2. Weight total not updating with Tidy5e

With the same test world, but I enable Tidy5e, then the weight displayed doesn't update correctly.

Active Modules Same as above, plus: Tidy5e v1.4 (the latest that is compatible with DnD5e v2.4.1)

The total weight at the bottom of the Tidy5e sheet doesn't update, it stays stuck at the total weight from when I switched the character over to the Tidy5e sheet through the "Sheet" button on the menu bar of the sheet. See screen recording:


The calculated weight does appear correctly in the console when debugging is active, so this part is just a display issue with Tidy5e v1+.

In my test world, the default sheet works as expected even when the Tidy5e module is active (except for the effect delay as shown above). Thus, there could be some other module interfering there (e.g. I also use Item Containers). However, as the issue is with the Tidy5e display, I simply expect that the hooks changed.

p4535992 commented 6 months ago

First of all ty very much for the detailed ticket. I solved the first issue with 0.15.3 try out and let me know it. i also updated the legacy sheet for 3.0.0 .

morepurplemorebetter commented 6 months ago

Thank you! I can confirm that the first bug "1. Active effect delay" has been fixed. I tested it on Tidy5e v0.10.1

KellethDregar commented 6 months ago

Can confirm the above is still the case in the latest version. Seems the calculation is accurate but the visual is misrepresenting it: image

tigue54 commented 6 months ago

The bar works well, but for the moment has no effect on movement. I think we'll have to wait a bit

Zakkon commented 6 months ago

For me, the text above the bar seems to show the correct current/max weight, and refreshes correctly when items are changed.

However, the bar itself is acting strange. The text inside the bar is saying a lower current weight (it seems to not include the weight of "containers" like Backpack, Waterskin, etc). It also isn't refreshing when items in the inventory are changed. The bar itself will stretch to match the correctly displayed current weight value (the one above the bar).

Furthermore, the encumberance condition only seems to be given once the value written inside the bar exceeds the breakpoint. This creates a strange scenario where visually the bar can stretch past the breakpoint yet not grant the encumbered condition. And then add to that the issue with the bar not changing color correctly when going past breakpoints.


If this module is turned off, Tidy5eSheet will correctly display the weight (with a matching bar), yet of course not apply any conditions.

This doesn't seem to be a purely VE-midi & Tidy5eSheet compability issue though, as even the dnd5e 3.0 default sheet has a similar bug in regards to it's weight bar and not including the weight of containers.

Module versions: Variant Encumbrance+Midi v0.15.4 Tidy5eSheets v2.4.1

System version: Dnd5e v3.0.4

Foundry version: Release 11.315

Orionox commented 5 months ago

I'm getting an issue where if I open a container and then close the sheet, I can no longer open that sheet. So if i open John sheet, mess with a container, then close the sheet. Johns sheet will no longer open unless i refresh.

p4535992 commented 5 months ago

I'm getting an issue where if I open a container and then close the sheet, I can no longer open that sheet. So if i open John sheet, mess with a container, then close the sheet. Johns sheet will no longer open unless i refresh.

Can you spcecify the tidy5e sheet version ? If you click f12 on the web console did you see any red messages ?

KellethDregar commented 4 months ago

For me, the text above the bar seems to show the correct current/max weight, and refreshes correctly when items are changed.

However, the bar itself is acting strange. The text inside the bar is saying a lower current weight (it seems to not include the weight of "containers" like Backpack, Waterskin, etc). It also isn't refreshing when items in the inventory are changed. The bar itself will stretch to match the correctly displayed current weight value (the one above the bar).

Furthermore, the encumberance condition only seems to be given once the value written inside the bar exceeds the breakpoint. This creates a strange scenario where visually the bar can stretch past the breakpoint yet not grant the encumbered condition. And then add to that the issue with the bar not changing color correctly when going past breakpoints.


If this module is turned off, Tidy5eSheet will correctly display the weight (with a matching bar), yet of course not apply any conditions.

This doesn't seem to be a purely VE-midi & Tidy5eSheet compability issue though, as even the dnd5e 3.0 default sheet has a similar bug in regards to it's weight bar and not including the weight of containers.

Module versions: Variant Encumbrance+Midi v0.15.4 Tidy5eSheets v2.4.1

System version: Dnd5e v3.0.4

Foundry version: Release 11.315

Yeah seeing this behavior for the most part. @p4535992 have you been able to replicate the behavior?

p4535992 commented 4 months ago

Can you pass to me the actor json or some screenshot of the logs ?

KellethDregar commented 4 months ago

@p4535992 Sure thing, here is the actor I am testing with. Seems the issue is mostly the visuals breaking and it does not apply the debuff when the thresholds are crossed. I am using modified values for encumberance so I'm not sure if that could be a difference but everything else should be default.

fvtt-Actor-testchar-3ljQSfWUqvwLjmj5.json image image