p4535992 / foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e

A FoundryVTT module, providing a visual modification to player character sheets to better display the effects of the Encumbrance variant ruleset in the PHB.
MIT License
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[BUG] Visual display of encumbrance levels no longer works (Visual Compatibiltiy with Dnd Sheet 3.0.0) #37

Open SLinxTheFox opened 4 months ago

SLinxTheFox commented 4 months ago

Module Version: v0.15.5

Instead of the arrows moving over to past the 1/3rd mark, they stay where default is. https://i.imgur.com/kzwQmFx.png

It used to work on v11.313 and DnD 5e 2.3.x, unsure of module version at that time unfortunately

Verified on several actors and 2 devices with separate installations and worlds

p4535992 commented 4 months ago

If did you use tidy is this bug on tidy side : https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e/issues/34 , if you replicate this on the legacy sheet is a bug on my side.

SLinxTheFox commented 4 months ago

I went ahead and tested it on the new default and the legacy sheet on an actor with 20 str. the arrows are still at 5x the mod instead of 6x as they were before

Legacy https://i.imgur.com/yNd5I3Z.png

5e 3.x.x default https://i.imgur.com/BH0KP9v.png

p4535992 commented 4 months ago

Sorry I'm a little fuzzy...maybe it's me misunderstanding. 1) Pass me the actor export (rename the file from .json to .txt for restriction on github 2) The only setting you changed is the “Unencumbered Strength Multiplier” to the value of 6 ? If not, export me with Forien Copy enviroment the module settings (I have everything I do a separate test world) 3) The weight it gives you now on the actor (104.2 which is wrong from what I understand) and the weight which should be instead

SLinxTheFox commented 4 months ago

I'm unsure how many other settings i've changed so here you go

Again this is just a visual thing. encumbrance applies when it should, but the arrows indicating the first level of encumbrance show up at 5x str instead, but before it wasn't like that

fvtt-Actor-test-actor-5rDJmzB7sLwIZNkP.txt forien environment.txt

TheAlexPlus commented 3 months ago

This feel like this same general issue, but my problem isn't like what's in SLinxTheFox's screen shots.

My 3.x sheets fail to show the encumbrance total, as well as the indicators at 1/3 and 2/3 image

I'm running Variant Encumbrance v 0.15.6 and dnd5e 3.1.2 Foundry v11 315

TheAlexPlus commented 3 months ago

Bizarre Update: My problem only happens when the default sheet setting is set to the default 5e character sheet, and the sheet sheeting is set to default. If I change the sheet setting to be specifically the default 5e character sheet and not just whatever the default sheet is, it fixes the problem.