p4lang / PI

An implementation framework for a P4Runtime server
Apache License 2.0
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Are TNA architecture programs supported? #511

Closed pudelkoM closed 4 years ago

pudelkoM commented 4 years ago

I tried pushing a pipeline from a TNA P4 program and it just crashed the process. Are other architectures besides v1model even supported in PI?

antoninbas commented 4 years ago

For how to use P4Runtime with TNA P4 programs, you will need to refer to the customer documentation provided by Barefoot. Their implementation may use PI, but this is not covered as part of this repo.

pudelkoM commented 4 years ago

Thank for the info! Just wanted to confirm there is no known limitation in PI.

antoninbas commented 4 years ago

I would say there is no limitation intrinsic to PI but:

pudelkoM commented 4 years ago

Here's the trace:

bf_switchd: starting warm init for dev_id 0 mode 1 serdes_upgrade 0
Skip diag lib deinit
*** Aborted at 1590616143 (unix time) try "date -d @1590616143" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @                0x0 (unknown)
*** SIGSEGV (@0x7f001498c800) received by PID 27089 (TID 0x7efffdb30700) from PID 345556992; stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f001c1320e0 (unknown)
    @          0x11d8aaa retrieve_uint32
    @     0x7f001ddbd610 _pi_update_device_start
    @          0x11b0cf5 pi_update_device_start
    @          0x1009091 pi::fe::proto::DeviceMgrImp::pipeline_config_set()
    @          0x1004c6c pi::fe::proto::DeviceMgr::pipeline_config_set()
    @           0xef3e8b stratum::hal::pi::PINode::PushForwardingPipelineConfig()
    @           0x4feaaa stratum::hal::barefoot::BFSwitch::PushForwardingPipelineConfig()
    @           0xca77f6 stratum::hal::P4Service::SetForwardingPipelineConfig()
    @          0x111f14b std::_Mem_fn_base<>::operator()<>()
    @          0x111ef5f std::_Function_handler<>::_M_invoke()
    @          0x11203ef std::function<>::operator()()
    @          0x11201e4 _ZZN9grpc_impl8internal16RpcMethodHandlerIN2p42v19P4Runtime7ServiceENS3_34SetForwardingPipelineConfigRequestENS3_35SetForwardingPipelineConfigResponseEE10RunHandlerERKN4grpc8internal13MethodHandler16HandlerParameterEENKUlvE_clEv
    @          0x111fe84 _ZN9grpc_impl8internal23CatchingFunctionHandlerIZNS0_16RpcMethodHandlerIN2p42v19P4Runtime7ServiceENS4_34SetForwardingPipelineConfigRequestENS4_35SetForwardingPipelineConfigResponseEE10RunHandlerERKN4grpc8internal13MethodHandler16HandlerParameterEEUlvE_EENSA_6StatusEOT_
    @          0x111f5b3 grpc_impl::internal::RpcMethodHandler<>::RunHandler()
    @          0x13970a6 grpc_impl::Server::SyncRequest::CallData::ContinueRunAfterInterception()
    @          0x13969ba grpc_impl::Server::SyncRequest::CallData::Run()
    @          0x1395708 grpc_impl::Server::SyncRequestThreadManager::DoWork()
    @          0x13c35a6 grpc::ThreadManager::MainWorkLoop()
    @          0x13c3292 grpc::ThreadManager::WorkerThread::Run()
    @          0x13c4fc9 grpc::ThreadManager::WorkerThread::WorkerThread()::$_0::operator()()
    @          0x13c4fb9 grpc::ThreadManager::WorkerThread::WorkerThread()::$_0::__invoke()
    @          0x1714987 _ZZN9grpc_core12_GLOBAL__N_120ThreadInternalsPosixC1EPKcPFvPvES4_PbRKNS_6Thread7OptionsEENKUlS4_E_clES4_
    @          0x1714739 _ZZN9grpc_core12_GLOBAL__N_120ThreadInternalsPosixC1EPKcPFvPvES4_PbRKNS_6Thread7OptionsEENUlS4_E_8__invokeES4_
    @     0x7f001c1284a4 start_thread
    @     0x7f001b847d0f clone
    @                0x0 (unknown)

I could prepare a more complete package for reproduction, if needed.

antoninbas commented 4 years ago

I could prepare a more complete package for reproduction, if needed.

I don't think that will be needed. Thanks for sharing this but since the crash happens in the _pi_update_device_start implementation, it will need to be handled by Barefoot folks. If it turns out to be a PI issue, they can submit a patch or open an issue with more details.

(The only thing I can think of is that the binary device config is malformed? You may want to check that whichever code / script you use to build it works for the compiler outputs produced for a TNA program. There may be some subtle differences compared to v1model programs?)

pudelkoM commented 4 years ago

The only thing I can think of is that the binary device config is malformed?

This was the actual issue. P4Runtime-sh seems to pack the p4_device_config differently from your update_config.py scripts. I will investigate that further.

For now I can confirm that (simple) TNA programs can be loaded through PI.