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Proposal: Padding type #1121

Closed vgurevich closed 10 months ago

vgurevich commented 2 years ago







There is a need to have some "filler" bits in the headers, e.g. for byte-alignment. Currently this is achieved by simply inserting a field (typically of an unsigned type) into the header:

header my_hdr_h {
    bit<3> _pad0;
    bit<5> f1;
    bit<2> _pad1;
    bit<14> f2;

This, however, forces the programmer to be very explicit about the values in these _pad[01] fields. It also forces the compiler to make sure that these fields behave correctly as their type dictates. For example, the values written in those fields are supposed to stay there unchanged. This, unfortunately, prevents a number of important optimizations that can be enabled as long as there is a way to express the fact that nobody cares what's inside those fields. Currently, some compilers allow the programmer to express that fact by using a special @padding annotation:

header my_hdr_h {
    @padding bit<3> _pad0;
    bit<5> f1;
    @padding bit<2> _pad1;
    bit<14> f2;

This mechanism works pretty well as long as nobody tries to do anything special with the values in the fields marked with @padding annotation, but strictly speaking this annotation is semantically significant: it can be easily seen that the behavior of a program with and without this annotation is different.

As was agreed many times, such annotations are better be replaced with the standardized constructs.


Introduce a new type, padding<n> (or pad<n>). This is a serializable, scalar type.


header my_hdr_h {
    pad<3> _pad0;
    bit<5> f1;
    pad<2> _pad1;
    bit<14> f2;

Supported operations

  1. The variables of the padding type can be assigned into (be used as the left-hand-side of the assignment statement) from any other scalar type of the same width without an implicit cast. The result is undetermined and the compiler is allowed to eliminate the assignment altogether
  2. pkt.extract() can extract data into these fields. The number of consumed bits is equal to the type width. result is undetermined and the compiler can eliminate the extraction if it so desires.
  3. pkt.emit() can emit the data from the fields of the padding type. The number of emitted bits is equal to the type width, but their contents is undetermined
  4. One can assign the values of the padding type(s) to the other variables of the same type. The result is undetermined (the type does not support equality operation)
  5. The best way to express writing/reading from a field of such type is to use _, e.g:
    my_hdr_h h = { _, 1, _, 3 };
  6. (Controversial): casts to the bit<n> are supported, but flagged and the result is undetermined
  7. (Less controversial) casts from padding type are not supported
  8. No other operations are supported
apinski-cavium commented 2 years ago

The best way to express writing/reading from a field of such type is to use _, e.g:

Why not ... (aka the default value) instead of don't care? See section 8.24.

Also why does the user need to name the padding fields at all? In C/C++ anonymous bitfields can be used. So:

header my_hdr_h {
    bit<5> f1;
    bit<14> f2;

Instead would be better and then don't need to match up the fields at all with the initializers. Just like in C/C++ you can do:

struct header {
  int :3;
  unsigned f1:5;
  unsigned :2;
  unsigned f2:14;

And then there is no way to access the fields at all or even casting wise.

mihaibudiu commented 2 years ago

We should discuss this in the next design meeting. But I do favor just naming these fields with _. We have to explain what happens in initializers.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

Neither @apinski-cavium nor @mbudiu-vmw addresses the key element of Vladimir's proposal -- it changes the semantics of extract and emit.

I need to mull it over, but I actually kind of like @vgurevich's proposal, which boils down to introducing a new base type for always-uninitialized bit strings. Then we don't need to change the semantics of header types at all.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@apinski-cavium -- I am all for that. I would not make this mandatory (e.g. someone wants to see those fields in the tools or whatever), but if we can extend language syntax to avoid naming these fields, it will definitely be nice.

@jnfoster -- I think that my proposal extends the semantics of extract() and emit() by defining how they behave for this particular type. All current behaviors should remain unchanged, unless I missed something.

blp commented 2 years ago

What's an example of a padding field with these semantics in real life? I usually think of "padding" as being forced to a particular fixed value (normally all-zeros). If there's no defined value, then a padding field can't appear in any context where the header is accompanied by a checksum.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@blp -- one example is a header that one would prepend to recirculated packet. In many cases these headers need to carry all kinds of fields that are not necessarily byte-aligned. At the same time these headers never "leave" the device -- they are internal to a specific data plane program. TNA uses internal headers pretty extensively: other examples include metadata bridging, mirroring and resubmit.

While it might look strange from the SW standpoint, initializing these fields to 0 and keeping them that way is actually expensive, so expressing the intent (of not needing it) leads to more efficient programs.

blp commented 2 years ago

Thanks @vgurevich.

OK. It's hard for me to see uninitialized data without immediately thinking INFORMATION DISCLOSURE VULNERABILITY but I guess if it never crosses security domains (one machine to another, kernel->user, etc.) it's OK.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@blp -- I agree. For example in the Intel Connectivity Academy course that I teach, I specifically point out the difference in how one should construct internal-only vs. externally visible headers.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- I think that my proposal extends the semantics of extract() and emit() by defining how they behave for this particular type. All current behaviors should remain unchanged, unless I missed something.

Right. The point I wanted to highlight was that if we add a new type, and we do it in the right way, I don't believe we have to modify (i.e., special-case) the semantics of extract() and emit(). That would make the language simpler, more uniform, elegant, etc.

mihaibudiu commented 2 years ago

@apinski-cavium proposed to have these bits hardwired to 0. Would this implementation satisfy the required use cases?

jafingerhut commented 2 years ago

@apinski-cavium Could you provide a link or other reference to your suggestion in the 2022-Aug-08 LDWG meeting that was something along the lines of "when read, these fields behave as if they contained 0"? I am not familiar with this feature in other languages, and was curious if there was something more subtle to its definition than "the field always behaves as if it contains 0".

apinski-cavium commented 2 years ago

@apinski-cavium Could you provide a link or other reference to your suggestion in the 2022-Aug-08 LDWG meeting that was something along the lines of "when read, these fields behave as if they contained 0"? I am not familiar with this feature in other languages, and was curious if there was something more subtle to its definition than "the field always behaves as if it contains 0".

It is not really a computer language feature as much as it is a feature of hardware specificications. https://developer.arm.com/documentation/aeg0014/g/Glossary See RAO/WI, RAZ/WI, Read-As-Zero (RAZ), etc. as described in that document. Basically there are some bits of some hardware registers which get ignored even if they are changed and will always be read as zero (or ones depending if they are RAO or RAZ) too.

hanw commented 2 years ago

A default value of dontcare for pad<n> would be more flexible than 0. It does not prevent a compiler to treat dontcare as 0. But it would not be the case the other way around.

On some target, the following two examples have different resource implication.

header h {
   pad<7> _;
   bit<9> ingress_port;
h = { ingress_port = 1, ... };


header h {
    pad<7> pad;
    bit<9> ingress_port;
h = { pad = 0; ingress_port = 1; }
vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@apinski-cavium -- @hanw beat me to it and he is totally correct: requesting that reading from padding will return 0 defeats the purpose of the field, especially in such cases as emit() where we pass an entire header.

It is also true that this specific extern does not prevent an implementation from returning 0 if it wishes to do so, but it does not require that.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

@vgurevich and @hanw: I might myself have missed something, but my understanding of the @apinski-cavium proposal is compatible with the kinds of implementations you are imaging, where no extra storage is needed for the padding fields.

Let's suppose the semantics of pad<_> is that reading it always returns 0 (of appropriate width) and writing it is a no-op -- the value is discarded.

It follows that when we extract into a header with pad<_> fields, the data that would have been extracted into those fields is discarded.

And the compiler doesn't need to allocate any storage for those fields because we know their value -- reading always returns 0 and writing is essentially a no-op.

Finally, when we emit a header with pad<_> fields, we write a 0 for those fields. But there should be no problem doing that -- 0 is one of the arbitrary values that could have been chosen by the compiler in the scheme @hanw proposes.

Perhaps someone can explain to me how this semantics "defeats the purpose" of the feature? It signals to the compiler that we don't care about that data. We never need to allocate internal storage for those fields. And when it gets extracted and emitted, it gets canonicalized to 0. Again, I probably have missed something, but this seems like it accommodates the kinds of implementations you are imagining.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

I heard that there were some questions about the equality operations on headers that contain fields of type pad<n>.

Here are a couple of thoughts:

  1. One option is to declare that an equality comparison (==) of two fields of the same type pad<n> always returns true. In this case the comparison of headers with padding fields will return true if an only if all non-padding fields are equal, which is what one would expect. Following the same logic, not equal (!=)operation on the two fields of the same type pad<n> will always return false
  2. Another option is to go with the original proposal and prohibit equality/inequality comparison. That, in turn will prohibit equality/inequality comparisons of headers with padding fields. This might not be a bad idea, because if someone wants to compare two headers with padding fields, it might make sense for them to explicitly state that they only care about non-padding fields.
jnfoster commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I didn't mean to close this!

To add one more comment, I think @hanw's two programs can be implemented the same way.

header h {
   pad<7> _;
   bit<9> ingress_port;
h = { ingress_port = 1, ... };


header h {
    pad<7> pad;
    bit<9> ingress_port;
h = { pad = 0; ingress_port = 1; }

In particular, in the second program, even though we appear to have a field that would require storage, we know -- just from its type! -- that its value is always 0.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- emit() means reading from the field, isn't it? And the whole purpose here is to allow emitting headers that contain garbage in the padding, instead of zeroes.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

@vgurevich let me just say that, in my experience, messing with equality is a Really Bad Idea. The ramifications of such a change are going to be extensive. And it's going to be really unintuitive for programmers.

@apinski-cavium's read-as-zero proposal has the property that equality remains reflexive, and requires no contortions to the semantics of headers, ==, etc.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- emit() means reading from the field, isn't it? And the whole purpose here is to allow emitting headers that contain garbage in the padding, instead of zeroes.

The @apinski-cavium proposal is perfectly compatible with this. We just pick 0 as the value for the garbage. Surely that's allowed? Or do we actually care that it's a random bitstring?

If the goal is to allow the compiler to avoid having to allocate internal storage for padding, then @apinski-cavium's proposal achieves that to, as I explained above.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

The one possible objection to the @apinski-cavium proposal I can imagine is that the implementation of emit might be slightly more expensive -- we need to somehow slot in 0 for the padding fields. Is that the concern?

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- whether the memory will or will not be allocated for these fields depends on the target. And in the case it will be allocated, it can contain values other than 0.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

If the type (pad<n>) determines the value (0), why would a target ever want to allocate storage for that field? I mean, sure, a target is free to do that. Targets are also free to allocate storage for the full text of Joyce's Ulyssess, but on a resource-constrained high-speed switch ASIC, that's unlikely to be a choice that a compiler engineer will make. Instead, good compilers will exploit the static information available from the text of the program. For instance, in the backend, it can replace every read of hdr.pad with the literal 0 and every write with a no-op...

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- that "slightly more expensive" (to emit 0) is actually "quite a bit more expensive" on some targets, and the whole point of proposal was to avoid that.

hanw commented 2 years ago

emitting pad<n> field as zero consumes pipeline resource and decreases overlay opportunities, as vlad suggested.

If programmer really wants to emit zero, they should use bit<n>.

vgurevich commented 2 years ago

@jnfoster -- please, reach me on Teams and I'll explain why memory needs to be allocated (at least on some targets that you should care about)

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

Yep, I understand how deparsing works on targets we all care about. (Hence, this comment https://github.com/p4lang/p4-spec/issues/1121#issuecomment-1210094084). I'll ping you on Teams to chat when it's not 11pm in ET.

jnfoster commented 2 years ago

Before I go to sleep, I'll say that the semantics where pad<n> always has an undetermined value is also fine by me (which is why I endorsed it above).

I think the main remaining concerns, as highlighted in this issue are:

(In fact, we already have the issue with equality, due to invalid headers and uninitialized values. However, the front-end of the compiler always assumes that e == e for every expression e, and it uses this in certain optimizations. This is legal, as compilers are always allowed to refine the language semantics. However, assuming that e == e is possibly incompatible with choices that could be made by backends. So has always left me uneasy to have that optimization be done in the front-end.)

jnfoster commented 10 months ago

In the interest of tidying up the set of active issues on the P4 specification repository, I'm marking this as "stalled" and closing it. Of course, we can always re-open it in the future if there is interest in resurrecting it.