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Specification documents for the P4Runtime control-plane API
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Defining behavior for OneOf's in reads. #476

Open jonathan-dilorenzo opened 3 months ago

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 3 months ago

Spawning off an issue based on @antoninbas's comment on a BMv2 PR and my subsequent response.

Basically, at the moment, I believe that the Wildcard Reads section suggests that a wildcard read like this should be supported:

device_id: <ID>
entities {
  extern_entry { }  # read all extern instances for all supported extern types
  table_entry { }  # read all table entries for all tables
  action_profile_member { }  # read all members for all action profiles
  action_profile_group { }  # read all groups for all action profiles
  packet_replication_engine_entry { }  # read all packet replication engine entries

And return, among other things, all packet replication engine entries. This is based on the simplest extrapolation from the example, which looks identical, but without the packet_replication_engine_entry line.

However, @antoninbas brought up the great point that packet_replication_engine_entry { some_as_of_yet_undefined_field_that_is_NOT_part_of_the_type_one_of } is an indistinguishable message from packet_replication_engine_entry { some_as_of_yet_undefined_field_that_is_part_of_the_type_one_of } (as per https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/proto3/#backward), which is also what we mention as the reason why a full wildcard read can't just be:

device_id: <ID>
entities { }

So, I think we need to clarify this in some direction. Here are 3 possible ways to deal with this:

Note: Presumably for writes, we'd expect servers to not accept anything containing unknown fields, and therefore this is a non-issue?

smolkaj commented 3 months ago

Disallow reads with unknown fields.

Should it be clear how to implement that? I thought the whole point was that the client-side use of unknown oneof fields was not observable on the server-side?

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 3 months ago

Sorry, with ANY unknown fields is what I meant. Which is why that's so restrictive.

smolkaj commented 3 months ago

Still don't understand how this can be implemented.

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 3 months ago

On the switch side? The standard proto parser has a configuration saying whether it should allow unknown fields or not. If you say 'false' that would be most of your implementation (barring sending back a good error message).

smolkaj commented 3 months ago

The standard proto parser has a configuration saying whether it should allow unknown fields or not.

I am aware of such an option for the text format parser, but I haven't seen it for the binary parser, where parsing/deparsing is generally abstracted away by gRPC scaffolding code and the gRPC service implementation works on parsed messages. Is there such an option for the binary parser, and can it be set through the C++ grpc scaffolding code?

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 3 months ago

After further discussion with Steffen offline, we found that protos have an UnknownFieldSet, which should get populated by GRPC. I.e. for some ReadRequest request, in C++, it should be possible to see if it has any unknown fields with !request.unknown_fields().empty().

With that, I think we're leaning towards option 1 of disallowing unknown fields. Planning to discuss in next API WG meeting. Any thoughts @antoninbas, @jafingerhut, and @chrispsommers?

chrispsommers commented 3 months ago

My head is spinning a little bit, I think it'll be easier to discuss in the next WG meeting. Thanks!

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 3 months ago

One note that @zhenk14 pointed out:

For servers with multiple controllers, if one controller is older than the server, option 1 would mean that the controller may also receive unknown entities back from a read request.

smolkaj commented 3 months ago

Could you provide a concrete example to help us understand this?

jafingerhut commented 2 months ago

Have you considered introducing a new style of wildcard read requests, unlike the ones that exist in today's spec, e.g. add a new optional boolean field "doWildCardReadRequest" as a field or sub-message inside of the entity on which you wish to perform a wildcard read request? The main reason I ask is that it seems like it might be less tricky to reason about for forwards/backwards compatibility corner cases.

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 2 months ago

Could you provide a concrete example to help us understand this?

I think 'this' here is referring to my comment:

For servers with multiple controllers, if one controller is older than the server, option 1 would mean that the controller may also receive unknown entities back from a read request.

If so, sure! Otherwise, lmk.

Imagine you have two controllers C1 and C2 talking to a server S. C1 uses the same version of the P4Runtime proto as S, which contains PacketReplicationEngineEntries and C2 uses an older version that doesn't. Consider the following steps:

  1. C1 connects to S and becomes primary.
  2. C1 programs a MulticastGroupEntry on S.
  3. C2 connects to S and becomes primary.
  4. C2 reads back all entries on S. Now, C2 receives a MulticastGroupEntry back, which, to it, is an unknown field.

Have you considered introducing a new style of wildcard read requests, unlike the ones that exist in today's spec, e.g. add a new optional boolean field "doWildCardReadRequest" as a field or sub-message inside of the entity on which you wish to perform a wildcard read request? The main reason I ask is that it seems like it might be less tricky to reason about for forwards/backwards compatibility corner cases.

I hadn't, but generally I would say that just adding yet another way to do something creates unfortunate clutter... Not crazy, but I think should generally be the last choice. In this case, we can work with the semantics as it is now, it's just not crystal clear what that semantics actually is. The current (possibly intended?) semantics, I think, is by far the trickiest one to explain (it's option 3 above), and adding yet another version wouldn't simplify that.

smolkaj commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the example, that makes sense.

smolkaj commented 2 months ago

Have you considered introducing a new style of wildcard read requests, unlike the ones that exist in today's spec, e.g. add a new optional boolean field "doWildCardReadRequest" as a field or sub-message inside of the entity on which you wish to perform a wildcard read request? The main reason I ask is that it seems like it might be less tricky to reason about for forwards/backwards compatibility corner cases.

There is additional context on this suggestion here: https://github.com/p4lang/p4runtime/issues/462

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 1 month ago

From May meeting:

@jafingerhut and @antoninbas, does that sound like a good way to go to you too? Any concerns?

antoninbas commented 1 month ago

Assuming there is an elegant way to do it in the server implementation, option 1 sounds reasonable to me. I think we can compare it to how a gRPC server would handle an unknown RPC, which was added later on. IIRC, the server will return UNIMPLEMENTED.

With this decision, will there also be a change to the semantics of wildcard reads? I.e., will an empty Entity message to read all known entities be supported?

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 1 month ago

Excellent! Yeah, I think returning UNIMPLEMENTED makes a lot of sense. I mentioned an elegant way (in C++ at least) a bit above, but let me add it here too:

I.e. for some ReadRequest request, in C++, it should be possible to see if it has any unknown fields with !request.unknown_fields().empty().

With this decision, will there also be a change to the semantics of wildcard reads? I.e., will an empty Entity message to read all known entities be supported?

Yes! That's exactly the goal. In general, unset oneofs will be treated as wildcards for that field, which is safe after this change.

smolkaj commented 3 weeks ago

@jonathan-dilorenzo, would we want to push on this before 1.4.0? If so we should add the label.

jonathan-dilorenzo commented 2 weeks ago

Good question, I'm not sure when I could plausibly write this up, though perhaps in a few months. What's the timeline for 1.4.0?

And/or does someone else have time to make these changes?

smolkaj commented 2 weeks ago

We haven't yet set a deadline, but I propose end of September: https://github.com/p4lang/p4runtime/issues/480#issuecomment-2173901436