p5-RedisDB / RedisDB

Perl extension to access Redis
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Win32 Compatibility #2

Closed sanko closed 13 years ago

sanko commented 13 years ago


You asked for some testing on Windows over on PerlMonks and I haven't gone too deep yet but here are a few things I've run in to. BTW, I'm using the port of redis found here: http://github.com/dmajkic/redis/downloads

t/RedisServer.pm is looking for File::Spec->catfile($_, 'redis-server') but on Windows the full filename includes an extension so it would look like [...]redis-server.exe.

Socket::MSG_DONTWAIT which you use in Redis::_recv_data_nb is undefined on Win32. An obvious (but my least favorite) choice may be to use select( ... ) first but you may just want to use the non-blocking two-step found at the end of Pedro Melo's Redis module.

sanko commented 13 years ago

Don't know why this showed up twice. Sorry about that.