p5-RedisDB / RedisDB

Perl extension to access Redis
22 stars 11 forks source link

looks like a version test broken for 3.0.0 #23

Closed vsespb closed 9 years ago

vsespb commented 9 years ago
    #   Failed test 'Looks like a version'
    #   at t/redis_commands.t line 294.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 18.

#   Failed test 'Server info commands'
#   at t/redis_commands.t line 19.

I think this fails:

    $info->{redis_version} =~ /^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)(?:[.]([0-9]+))?/;
    ok( ( $1 and $2 ), "Looks like a version" );

for 3.0.0

trinitum commented 9 years ago

That's true, because $2 is 0. I will upload the fix tonight, meanwhile it is safe to ignore this test. Thank you for reporting the problem.