p5pclub / ref-util

Ref::Util - Utility functions for checking references
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possible patch required for OpLASTSIB_set #20

Closed wchristian closed 8 years ago

wchristian commented 8 years ago

According to @mauke the following fallback implementation of OpLASTSIB_set is more correct:

#define OpLASTSIB_set(o, parent) ((o)->op_moresib = 0, (o)->op_sibling = NULL)

@arc : Do you see any problems with this? Asking since you commited the original fallback.

ilmari commented 8 years ago

Devel::PPPort 3.33 includes the OpSIBLING macro family, so you can just regenerate ppport.h instead of having your own versions of those macros.