For test cases we should maybe consider changing the scheme, as postgres supports semi-structured data types, we can thus have all testcases for a single exercise, or just simply all input / output parameters for testcases on that specific testcase as json. The idea here is that it will require less insertions when inserting and it will be a very simply query when extracting.
The idea here is that we never want to really do anything with the testcases, we just want to serve them to Mozart, so this might be an ideal situation for doing this.
For test cases we should maybe consider changing the scheme, as postgres supports semi-structured data types, we can thus have all testcases for a single exercise, or just simply all input / output parameters for testcases on that specific testcase as json. The idea here is that it will require less insertions when inserting and it will be a very simply query when extracting.
The idea here is that we never want to really do anything with the testcases, we just want to serve them to Mozart, so this might be an ideal situation for doing this.