p7s1digital / oasis-jsbridge-android

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How to use jsoup in js? #17

Open Antecer opened 3 years ago

Antecer commented 3 years ago

I want to use jsoup as dom parser for html but i can't put it in JsBridge.

here is the library https://github.com/jhy/jsoup

Antecer commented 3 years ago

Now I can only use it like this:

package com.antecer.nekopaw.api

import de.prosiebensat1digital.oasisjsbridge.JsBridge
import de.prosiebensat1digital.oasisjsbridge.JsToNativeInterface
import de.prosiebensat1digital.oasisjsbridge.JsValue
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import org.jsoup.select.Elements

 * 连接Jsoup和QuickJS(JsBridge)
class JsoupToJS {
     * 绑定到JsBridge对象
     * @param jsBridge 目标对象名称
     * @param name 注入到js内的名称
    fun binding(jsBridge: JsBridge, name: String = "jsoup") {
        val jsoupKtApi = object : JsToNativeInterface {
            val aMap = mutableMapOf<String, Document>()
            val bMap = mutableMapOf<String, Element>()
            val cMap = mutableMapOf<String, Elements>()

            fun parse(html: String): String {
                val key = "a${aMap.size}"
                aMap[key] = Jsoup.parse(html)
                return key

            fun querySelector(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "b${bMap.size}"
                when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> bMap[key] = aMap[mark]!!.selectFirst(trait)
                    'b' -> bMap[key] = bMap[mark]!!.selectFirst(trait)
                    else -> return "null"
                return key

            fun querySelectorAll(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "c${cMap.size}"
                when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> cMap[key] = aMap[mark]!!.select(trait)
                    'b' -> cMap[key] = bMap[mark]!!.select(trait)
                    'c' -> cMap[key] = cMap[mark]!!.select(trait)
                    else -> return "null"
                return key

            fun getElementById(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "b${bMap.size}"
                when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> bMap[key] = aMap[mark]!!.getElementById(trait)
                    'b' -> bMap[key] = bMap[mark]!!.getElementById(trait)
                    else -> return "null"
                return key

            fun getElementByClass(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "b${cMap.size}"
                when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> cMap[key] = aMap[mark]!!.getElementsByClass(trait)
                    'b' -> cMap[key] = bMap[mark]!!.getElementsByClass(trait)
                    else -> return "null"
                return key

            fun getElementByTag(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "b${cMap.size}"
                when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> cMap[key] = aMap[mark]!!.getElementsByTag(trait)
                    'b' -> cMap[key] = bMap[mark]!!.getElementsByTag(trait)
                    else -> return "null"
                return key

            fun outerHtml(mark: String): String {
                return when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> aMap[mark]!!.outerHtml()
                    'b' -> bMap[mark]!!.outerHtml()
                    'c' -> cMap[mark]!!.outerHtml()
                    else -> ""

            fun innerHTML(mark: String, html: String?): String {
                return if (html == null) {
                    when (mark[0]) {
                        'a' -> aMap[mark]!!.html()
                        'b' -> bMap[mark]!!.html()
                        'c' -> cMap[mark]!!.html()
                        else -> ""
                } else {
                    when (mark[0]) {
                        'a' -> aMap[mark]!!.html(html)
                        'b' -> bMap[mark]!!.html(html)
                        'c' -> cMap[mark]!!.html(html)

            fun text(mark: String, text: String?): String {
                return when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> aMap[mark]!!.text()
                    'b' -> {
                        if (text != null) bMap[mark]!!.text(text);
                    'c' -> cMap[mark]!!.text()
                    else -> ""

            // 自定义方法
            fun queryText(trait: String, mark: String): String {
                val key = "b${bMap.size}"
                return when (mark[0]) {
                    'a' -> aMap[mark]!!.selectFirst(trait).text()
                    'b' -> bMap[mark]!!.selectFirst(trait).text()
                    else -> return "null"

            // 释放占用的资源
            fun dispose() {
        JsValue.fromNativeObject(jsBridge, jsoupKtApi).assignToGlobal(name)

        val jsoupAPI = """
class Document {
    constructor(html, mark) { this.#mark = html ? jsoup.parse(html) : mark; }
    querySelector(trait) { return new Document(null, jsoup.querySelector(trait, this.#mark)); }
    querySelectorAll(trait) { return new Document(null, jsoup.querySelectorAll(trait, this.#mark)); }
    getElementById(trait) { return new Document(null, jsoup.getElementById(trait, this.#mark)); }
    getElementByTag(trait) { return new Document(null, jsoup.getElementByTag(trait, this.#mark)); }
    getElementByClass(trait) { return new Document(null, jsoup.getElementByClass(trait, this.#mark)); }
    outerHTML() { return jsoup.outerHtml(this.#mark); }
    innerHTML(html) { return jsoup.innerHTML(this.#mark, html||null); }
    innerText(text) { return jsoup.text(this.#mark, text||null); }

    // jsoup自有方法
    html(s) { return jsoup.innerHTML(this.#mark, s||null); }
    text(s) { return jsoup.text(this.#mark, s||null); }

    // 自定义方法
    queryText(trait) { return jsoup.queryText(trait, this.#mark); }
        runBlocking {

I hope to inject jsoup into JavaScript entirely, so that I don't need to write a lot of intermediate interfaces.