Hi, I have a bug with the plugin when I try to show in the calendar view sale "undefined method` safe_concat '"I work with rails 2.3.8 and ruby 1.8.7. my code is this
<% calendar_for (@ turn) do | t |%>
<% = t.head ('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun')%>
<% t.day (: day_method =>: date) do | day, tasks |%>
<% = day.day%>
<% tasks.each do | task |%>
<% = h (task.name)%>
<% end%>
<% end%>
<% end%>
edited line #105 from the lib/table_builder/table_builder.rb file to
i just replace the safe_concat with concat.
-> safe_concat is for rails 3
Hi, I have a bug with the plugin when I try to show in the calendar view sale "undefined method` safe_concat '"I work with rails 2.3.8 and ruby 1.8.7. my code is this
<% tasks.each do | task |%> <% = h (task.name)%>
<% end%> <% end%> <% end%> div>
i am using rails 2.3.5 and having the same problem
edited line #105 from the lib/table_builder/table_builder.rb file to @template.concat(tag) i just replace the safe_concat with concat. -> safe_concat is for rails 3
thanks man, i go to test your solution in my app, I hope it works xD