pFindStudio / pFind3

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Invalid_msmspath1_Path #18

Closed pklundquist closed 4 years ago

pklundquist commented 5 years ago

I am new to pFind and am trying to do an open search of a single Q-Exactive RAW file. I have not been able to complete the analysis as I get the following error message:

[pFind] ALERT: Invalid_msmspath1_Path: [C:\Program Files\pFindStudio\pFind3\Data Repository\QX00870_CIDIT.pf2]

I have attached the full report to this posting.

I appreciate any advice on how to get around this. Am I setting up the analysis incorrectly or is this a bug?



KunathBJ commented 5 years ago

Hey everybody. Did anybody got a solution for that issue? I'm having the same problem and I can't figure out what I've done wrong.

Thanks a lot,


jfguo01 commented 5 years ago

I find your data path:\Program Files\pFindStudio\pFind3\Data Repository\QX00870.raw exist space character, maybe you can change your data path without blank character and try it again.

yuzhuxuyang commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue. After testing for several times, I found if we used CID-ITMS or CID-FTMS, then we will meet this question. Could you tell us how to figure it out? Much appreciate!

yuzhuxuyang commented 5 years ago

I used this raw file: And if I used CID-FTMS, CID-ITMS and HCD-ITMS, it would stop and output error. (Which means only HCD-FTMS works successfully) Could you check why it happens? Thanks so much.

xuesu commented 4 years ago

@nelson42 that's because pparse and pfind runs seperately. When pparse tries to output potential precursors, it does not know your instrument settings in pfind and has to guess it. HCDFT means pparse will refine the precursor infos and others means pparse will do nothing. That's why they are different. pls use the one showed after using pparse instead of your former settings.