pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

😻 pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 🚀 This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
MIT License
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Install the latest version of the master 6.0 can not be used #114

Closed konohanaruto closed 7 years ago

konohanaruto commented 7 years ago

Is not we can only install version 2.0? I did not buy the license,there is no key, leading to the latest version is completely not used? image And the installation process, the following two tables I found through the google to define the structure, whether 6.0 is not used? image

pH-7 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your issue. Has your database Strict mode... However, it should work with either strict mode or not.

As I can see, the last table created is "pH7_Settings", so the problem is certainly from "pH7_Settings" table.

Try to run just the following in your mysql prompt and see if you have an error.

  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  value varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `desc` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Informative desc about the setting',
  `group` varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`name`)

INSERT INTO pH7_Settings (`name`, value, `desc`, `group`) VALUES
('siteName', 'My Social Dating App', '', 'general'),
('adminEmail', @sAdminEmail, '', 'email'),
('defaultLanguage', 'en_US', '', 'language'),
('defaultTemplate', 'base', '', 'design'),
('defaultSysModule', 'user', 'The default module running by default on the index page. Recommended to keep the "user" module', 'general'),
('emailName', 'pH7CMS', '', 'email'),
('feedbackEmail', @sFeedbackEmail, '', 'email'),
('splashPage', 1, 'Use Splash Page | enable = 1 or disable = 0', 'homepage'),
('usersBlock', 1, '0 to disable or 1 to enable the profile photos on the homepage', 'homepage'),
('bgSplashVideo', 1, '0 to disable or 1 to enable the background splash video', 'homepage'),
('numberProfileSplashPage', 44, 'Number of profiles to display on the splash homepage', 'homepage'),
('fullAjaxSite', 0, 'enable = 1 or disable = 0', 'general'),
('ipLogin', '', '', 'security'),
('timeDelayUserRegistration', 1440, '1440 minutes = 24 hours (in minutes!)', 'spam'),
('timeDelayAffRegistration', 2880, '2880 minutes = 2 days (in minutes!)', 'spam'),
('timeDelaySendNote', 20, 'Waiting time to add a new note post, in minutes!', 'spam'),
('timeDelaySendMail', 3, 'Waiting time to send a new message, in minutes!', 'spam'),
('timeDelaySendComment', 5, 'Waiting time to send a new comment, in minutes!', 'spam'),
('timeDelaySendForumTopic', 5, 'Waiting time to send a new topic in the forum, in minutes!', 'spam'),
('timeDelaySendForumMsg', 10, 'Waiting time to send a reply message in the same topic, in minutes!', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaUserSignup', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaAffiliateSignup', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaMail', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaComment', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaForum', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('isCaptchaNote', 0, '0 for disable or 1 for enable', 'spam'),
('mailType', 'mail', '', 'email'),
('mapType', 'roadmap', 'Choose between: ''roadmap'', ''hybrid'', ''terrain'', ''satellite''', 'map'),
('maxAgeRegistration', 99, '', 'registration'),
('minAgeRegistration', 18, '', 'registration'),
('minUsernameLength', 3, '', 'registration'),
('maxUsernameLength', 30, '', 'registration'),
('userActivationType', 1, '1 = no activation, 2 = email activation, 3 = Manual activation by the administrator', 'registration'),
('affActivationType', 1, '1 = no activation, 2 = email activation, 3 = Manual activation by the administrator', 'registration'),
('defaultMembershipGroupId', 2, 'Default Membership Group', 'registration'),
('minPasswordLength', 6, '', 'security'),
('maxPasswordLength', 60, '', 'security'),
('isUserLoginAttempt', 1, 'Enable blocking connection attempts abusive. Enable = 1 or disable = 0', 'security'),
('isAdminLoginAttempt', 1, 'Enable blocking connection attempts abusive. Enable = 1 or disable = 0', 'security'),
('isAffiliateLoginAttempt', 1, 'Enable blocking connection attempts abusive. Enable = 1 or disable = 0', 'security'),
('maxUserLoginAttempts', 30, 'Maximum login attempts before blocking', 'security'),
('maxAffiliateLoginAttempts', 20, 'Maximum login attempts before blocking', 'security'),
('maxAdminLoginAttempts', 10, 'Maximum login attempts before blocking', 'security'),
('loginUserAttemptTime', 60, 'Time before a new connection attempt, in minutes!', 'security'),
('loginAffiliateAttemptTime', 60, 'Time before a new connection attempt, in minutes!', 'security'),
('loginAdminAttemptTime', 120, 'Time before a new connection attempt, in minutes!', 'security'),
('avatarManualApproval', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable ', 'moderation'),
('bgProfileManualApproval', 0, 'Background Profile Manual Approval. 0 to disable or 1 to enable ', 'moderation'),
('noteManualApproval', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable ', 'moderation'),
('pictureManualApproval', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable ', 'moderation'),
('videoManualApproval', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable ', 'moderation'),
('webcamPictureManualApproval', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable', 'moderation'),
('nudityFilter', 0, '1 = enable | 0 = disable', 'moderation'),
('defaultVideo', @sDefaultVideoUrl, 'Video by default if no video is found', 'video'),
('autoplayVideo', 1, '1 = Autoplay is enabled, 0 = Autoplay is disabled', 'video'),
('returnEmail', @sNoReplyEmail, 'Generally', 'email'),
('sendReportMail', 1, 'Send the Report by eMail (1 = enable, 0 = disable)', 'security'),
('siteStatus', 'enable', 'enable or maintenance', 'general'),
('smtpHostName', '', '', 'email'),
('smtpPassword', 123456, '', 'email'),
('smtpPort', 25, '', 'email'),
('watermarkTextImage', '', 'Watermark text', 'image'),
('sizeWatermarkTextImage', 2, 'Between 0 to 5', 'image'),
('banWordReplace', '[removed]',  '',  'security'),
('securityToken', 0, '0 to disable or 1 to enable the CSRF security token in the forms', 'security'),
('securityTokenLifetime', 720, 'Time in seconds to the CSRF security token. Default 720 seconds (12 mins)', 'security'),
('DDoS', 0,  '0 to disabled or 1 to enabled the DDoS attack protection',  'security'),
('isSiteValidated', 0,  '0 = site not validated | 1 = site validated',  'security'),
('cleanMsg', 0, 'Delete messages older than X days. 0 = Disable', 'pruning'),
('cleanComment', 0, 'Delete comments older than X days. 0 = Disable', 'pruning'),
('cleanMessenger', 0, 'Delete IM messages older than X days. 0 = Disable', 'pruning'),
('cronSecurityHash', 'change_this_secret_cron_word_by_yours', 'The secret word for the URL of the cron', 'automation'),
('userTimeout', 1, 'User inactivity timeout. The number of minutes that a member becomes inactive (offline)', 'automation'),
('ipApi', @sIpApiUrl, 'IP Api URL', 'api'),
('chatApi', @sChatApiUrl, 'Chat Api URL', 'api'),
('chatrouletteApi', @sChatrouletteApiUrl, 'Chatroulette Api URL', 'api'),
('googleApiKey', '', 'Google Maps API key', 'api'),
('socialMediaWidgets', 0, 'Enable the Social Media Widgets such as Like and Sharing buttons. 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable', 'general'),
('disclaimer', 0, 'Enable a disclaimer to enter to the site. This is useful for sites with adult content. 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable', 'general'),
('cookieConsentBar', 0, 'Enable the cookie consent bar to prevent your users that your site uses cookies. 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable', 'general'),
('isSoftwareNewsFeed', 1, 'Enable the news feed. 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable', 'general');

Please let me know @konohanaruto

pH-7 commented 7 years ago

Yeap, there was a minor issue when mysql strict mode is enabled. Now fixed

pH-7 commented 7 years ago

@konohanaruto It's here

konohanaruto commented 7 years ago

@pH-7 Thank you very much!

lock[bot] commented 5 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs. Thanks, Pierre-Henry