pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

😻 pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 🚀 This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
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Cache is causing me big problems! #595

Closed Undefined-Variables closed 5 years ago

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

I keep having links on the site change to a different URL. Like the footer links and occasionally the header links. I clear the cache by deleting all four folders in /_protected/data/cache and the proplem is solved for a little while then all of a sudden they change back to the same URL.

This is also happening to the sites IP address. For example on registration page the login link turns to

There must be another cache somewhere, I have looked everywhere but cant see how this is happening. The URL is one I own but its hosted on a server elsewhere. However this is the server hosting the chat room and the servers URL is in the API settings for chat & speed dating.

The only reason I notice it is because my SSL certificate is no longer correct and I get warnings poping up on to the screen.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

I took the chat url off the site and installed phpfeechat on the same server in the same place I hide _protected and created a new .conf file with an alias and dirctrory block and really thought that was going to solve the problem but it is still happening? I am out of ideas I have been though the code over and over again! If you have any ideas would be great to hear them :)

rondlite commented 5 years ago

I also get the footer links randomly change to the sites IP. No clue yet what causes this.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

I think i might have solved it, I have a feeling its because composer was run while the site was using the IP address... I am looking in to it now, if i find the answer I will let you know how I solved it.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Maybe you should look somewhere else than composer .... I can hardly find a link between dependency management AND networking problem.

Maybe if you'd start by just following the little link I write around all the time then we could possibly start thinking about giving you some help. You know the one that says "If you want help then start helping yourself"....

In a really simple way of saying... I don't have a damn clue about what you are running on, what does your installation look likes.... How do you want to get helped ? Sorry, I'm not Harry Potter and I don't use magic.

Wake up guys ! If you act like toddle then don't expect adult to give you a hand.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables First of all make sure your name service resolving is working good in both way (forward and reverse). Second I have understood that you are using a virtual host with Apache ? Is this right ?

Don't solve your problem, try to understand why you solved it. Answer, I can give plenty. But what's the goal if same shit happens and we're at the same point ?

When you get a numeric IP address it's because you are not getting the request header sent properly to PHP by you WebServer.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Honestly ! If you can explain to me how can a dependency manager like composer that only read a file named composer.json and gets the related library from the web can have caused your problem.

Let me see... just an idea like that ? Yes ! And 500 years ago there was an idea that we are the center of the world.

I won't repeat myself if you need help...

By acting this way, you really don't make a move to make people want to help you. Same as when you open a issue, write 5 messages on your own and close it in the end. All over a 5 minutes period. Adding something alike "Oh I forgot that...". Maybe you could have gotten the answer on your own in the first place if you'd have did something other than asking for help in the first time. Do some research, whatever...

If someone read your request and see that you have made some efforts, looked at references, etc then the person will have more interest in taking time to answer you. Else, we simply pass over saying to ourselves "That's going f*cking no where, we need to take this guy by the hand for everything and he does not even have the basics".

For sure if I see something like "Hey I didn't really understand much what you are saying about Request Header processed by the WebServer (apache) and forwarded to PHP" but I looked at the following information on the apache web site, wikipedia about HTTP, etc.

Then I'll be happy to write a book for your answer. Got the point ? Or maybe our friend Amnesia is around ?

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

well you explain to me how my internal and my external IP are in the vendor folder, cos I cant explain it either. I am only saying what I am seeing! my exact internal is found 3 times in the folders and my extenal 4 times. my external is also found in the cache 35times mainly at the EOL markers!

Now I came on here nice and I requested some advice, I have not acted like anything! If you use Atom to search the project folder for your IP addresses and they start popping up in the files that composer is responsable for writing you have to start thinking there maybe an issue somewhere! I didnt not specify that it is composer I said it might have something to do with composer that is two very different statements.

You coming on here and writing replies as long as war on peace is not in anyway helpful, all you do is criticize everything I say! If you have nothing constructive to say dont say anything at all!

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

You know there are 4.3 billion combinations possible from IPv4 addresses possible so does it not strike you as odd that my exact address should show up in those folders? What are the odds 4.3 billion to 1.

You write replies that have no useful content what so ever and then have a go at me for asking for support! Where does your logic come from? The one time you could have helpped me when I was asking about js you just stopped replying! Thought that was your thing? I am not a coder no but I have a lot of experiance with bash/unix servers and I may not have all the right words to roll of my tounge but if somebody needed help and I was able to offer it I would! I am a nice person but I just find you rude!

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables .... First of all... you seem to ignore what I just said (and that I'm repeating over again). Go back and read the issue number 582.... It shall remind you some basic.....

Now yes, you will see your IP in caches and in the composer folders... Why ? Because the system serialize information in the file name and use as a reference the IP address.

That's the reason and it's the same reason you see it also in the cache.

Do you want to have some smart talk about odds now ?


If want some hint about some JS code you wrote then I'll help you.

I'm not going to tell you all the wherabouts of running a website.

When you buy a car that has a manual transmission, is it the vendor that will teach you how to drive because you only know automatic ? No ! No and again No ! But here sure can tell you we're the speed handle and we're the "clutches".

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables And again, you wouldn't find me rude if you'd think one minute... only one small damn minute... How do you want people to help you out if you don't even take a minute to write what you are running over.

And don't tell me you did so in the issue # something... you did so in a thousand words...

Here's an example

pH7CMS 15.7.1 PHP 7.3 Apache 2.1.123 Running a Linux server

Got it ? And you didn't answer if you are using a virtual host as I asked you.

So if you find it rude then you can always do on UpWork or something alike and pay someone.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables And no we ain't in WonderLand or HappyLand. So when I see someone who's asking help running a web server but less than a week ago I needed to explain to that same person to take note when changing thing so they can understand where breaking changes occurs...

It kinda make it hard to find the good words...

And even more, when I do take the time to explain to this person that on the long run, she's gonna get ignored. Ever used "Stack Overflow" ? Write 3 time a question already answered and you get penalty...

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

You should not see your raw IP address in any cache if you have a FQDN with a full SSL certificate. And im not talking about the cache that is not my issue here, Im talking about my external IP being in

__protected\vendor\braintree\braintree_php\lib\Braintree\Error\Codes.php _protected\vendor\friendsofphp\php-cs-fixer\ _protected\vendor\phake\phake\docs_build\html.buildinfo _protected\vendor\phpunit\php-code-coverage\src\Report\Html\Renderer\Template\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg _protected\vendor\fzaninotto\faker\src\Faker\Provider\Internet.php

The list goes on and on, and I dont even want to google this...


Also the reason I post 5 times to myself is because my ticket is just left for days and what am I ment to do just stop and wait for you to reply? No I keep working at the problem and the situation changes so after waiting days for a reply I dont want advice that is based on yesterdays facts! and the time you look at it ive solved the issue on my own! This IP issue has been going on for weeks and I have not come here because of you to be honest but im not a mug and wont be spoken to like im stupid! If you spoke to people like this on stack overflow or ask ubuntu you would have your account suspended! Not everyone is like you thank god there are some good people out there!

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I don't see any question related to Javascript ! You only say "The problem is the button is JavaScript and I don't know Javascript"...

What are you expecting ? That I say, ohh poor dude, he does not know Javascript and sure don't feel like reading a tutorial. I'm gonna take my time and ask him what he want to get done so he can get a free cookie without any efforts....

Do some part of the work... example

what does this do ? $('btn1').click(processForm)

Then I'll give you one answer.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables If the cache ain't your issue then can you explain what's that title ?

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Hey just to say ! If you ain't happy to wait after an answer then pay for someone to do it. If you ain't happy with the delay then ask someone else. We don't have any obligation to help you out. You get it ?

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

When I wrote it I thought it was the issue because clearing it solved it but the deeper I dug the more I found out! Im not answering your silly question my kid could answer!

Im not saying im ungrateful for the free advive im just trying to explain life moves forward while you wait!

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables All the files under the vendor folder are external library. They are written by someone else, many people.

If my question are silly then possibly your knowledge is lacking. And this is why you don't understand them.

Because there''s other way than using virtual host to get more than one instance of a web server running.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

Have you read some of your comments to people? I had a dislike for you before you even spoke to me just based on your comments to other people! Things like we are not a one stop pc repair shop! You can be rather rude at times and to be blunt about it I have never got anything helpful from our exhanges and I didnt come here for your help! I was hoping the nice polite helpful guy would have some thought on the matter considering he wrote it! I dont see your name or contubution in the Change log at all so why are you any better than anyone else here?

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I've juste looked over at the vendor/braintree/braintree_php/lib/Braintree/Error/Codes.php

I don't see any IP adress inside this file.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

do you want a copy of mine?

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

The file are the same. They are installed by composer in a specific version.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

no my copy of the code required me to run composer myself

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

If you download here you get the lastest version but no 3rd party software is included

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

This is the file used by the latest version of pH7CMS

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

It's not "your copy of the code" but simply that when you download a release directly from gitHub you'll have to run composer. The repository don't host the dependency (it would be ridiculous to host twice the same stuff).

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

And the need to run composer arise from other situation because sometime we are not allowed to redistribute version of third party library.

This is a common situation. Look inside you composer.json and you will see the exact version of Braintree being used.

You gave a list of file that you believe has your IP inside. Could I ask what tool you used to search through the code ?

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

You know what I ment dont get funny over the way someone said something! Yes I have lots of errors like this but you can not access the site until you run composer so how are you ment to fill in all the paypay details?

I used Atom's search project feature!

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

i will get the proper list now hold on I just grabbed those in a rage let me look properly

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Because people access the command line to install the dependency. You run composer and afterward you do the installation procedure. Pretty easy ! Most people who do run web service will do most of their configuration by editing configuration files on the remote host, not by clicking around in a web page. It's easier to automate. I don't want the list... What I want is that you tell me exactly where, on what line of what file do you see your IP.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables And we are getting pretty far from some support over pH7CMS here....

That's the point you don't seem to get. And now I'm betting against myself that there won't be any of those bad IPs anymore....

I have the feeling that many things happened it "rage".... I've seen many message that in the end look like "Oh well, maybe I was a bit too fast on the trigger... Oh well I didn't notice".

So yes, on the long run people will simply ignore and say to themselves "He's used to this, he's gonna find his answer". If it's what you want then it's up to you...

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago


Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

im having issues with laptop sorry

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

I have been looking for the answer to this since last time we spoke, 3weeks ago and I am getting no where

The footer links keep changing to the servers IP address on there own

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I don't see any IP Adress here...

Last try...

Can you tell me where in the file ?

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

plus its proberly day time for you, Ive been up since 7am looking at this problem for the 30th day and its almost midnight here! Right at the end next to the <<<<<EOL IS HERE

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Again, like I have told you earlier, PHP gets it's local IP adress from the web server.

So look over at your Apache configuration.

Trash over your vendor folder and do another composer install if you feel like it but it's any irrelevant.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

im looking though two copies and the same file names have different content. one has <<<<EOL My IP and the other does not. How can that happen?

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

do you think its leaking there when the fault happens?

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Make me a screenshot so I can see what you are talking about...but that is something unrelated so go ask the Composer team.

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables No there's no such "leaking".

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

im not putting a picture exposing my ip address up on here

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Your problem is related to Composer now, not something related to pH7CMS.

Well for sure, it's pretty hard to use paint to mask it.

Anyway, that's not related to this software. As I see you are talking about the dependency management.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

<?php defined('PH7') or exit('Restricted access'); / Created on 2019-07-28 00:53:59 File ID: geturixmlsitemapxmlrouter / /***

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I'll take a look at the diffrences in the way links are built on the footer / header versus the whole site.

But it's mostly something related to your web server.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

it wont let me post code on here but i am to tired and feel like im under stress cos i know you are waiting. Search using atom but just use the first 3 digits of ip cos it wont find them with dots

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

my server is running apache2.4 php7.2 mariadb-10.1 and has java ffmeg and all the php extentions required by the script, I also have all SSL certificate and running the correct ssl cipher suites I built it myself and know what im doing that side of things

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Don't you think that the possibility that the first three digits of your IP will appears in code simply because there's number inside the source code ?

Like I already said go ask and do some search on the composer support forum and look at what they are telling you.

And yes, wait wait wait for an answer. I doubt your project is life threatening or that you'll loose thousands by waiting.

You can always do other thing...

polynamaude commented 5 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Do the same search but using 'fgrep' and you'll get the real results.

Undefined-Variables commented 5 years ago

yeah but you get a massive resullt but you cant miss your own ip i type it 100 times a day