pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

😻 pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 🚀 This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
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How to change to #744

Closed MKDan closed 4 years ago

MKDan commented 4 years ago

How to change to

And how to change the "Title" and "H1" tag of the "Browse Members" to "My SEO Text"

I'm during this for the page to rank for the "My SEO Text"

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables You can learn those thing with doing a University degree... I've just gave you a nice start...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I am learning Phpstorm btw...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Why'd you said you didn't like it?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I didn't say I didnt like it, I said I found it hard to navigate and it slowed me down but this is only due to lack of knowing it. I can see some of the benefits already but I like to be productive and learning a new IDE is a delay in that productivity.

How do I set up a server via ftp for example.... Will take time to learn is all.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

Look on YouTube you'll find plenty of Video. It's not a delay in productivity. It's optimising productivity. What's the use of doing something wrong now when you can do it good later... I doubt that you have stock holder pushing you or some real imperative, other than your desire to see result...It's nice to see result now but the real one need investment...And that's the first thing you learn when you go to college.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

That makes a lot of sense.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Go out and get the "ADA Lovelace" tutorial. Install a distribution with GPS... (Ubuntu has it and so does Windows from the Ada Core Technology). You'll learn a great deal of the good basis of programming, how to structure code and algorithm.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Love how you can browse/edit DB in this to be fair! Makes life easier.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Same goes on with Eclipse with the Database Development Tools.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Can you try and explain javascript:void(0) to me? Is it because of a keyword in javascript?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I'd probably need more info than what you just gave me so I can answer... But has the way the code is placed inside this repo, you probably need to tweak validation a bit or you'll get many errors...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Thank you.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Can also be a form of injection when you don't sanitize correctly. For example by asking user a URL and the person give you javascript: then they may get code executed.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yes that is what I ment, undefined is a keyword in javascript. so void is used instead...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

So why is it used here

    <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="Messenger.chatWith(\'' . $oUserModel->getUsername($iProfileId) . '\')">Click</a>
Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Everyone has there own view this is what confuses me...


In addition to the technical answer, javascript:void means the author is Doing It Wrong.

There is no good reason to use a javascript: pseudo-URL(*). In practice it will cause confusion or errors should anyone try things like ‘bookmark link’, ‘open link in a new tab’, and so on. This happens quite a lot now people have got used to middle-click-for-new-tab: it looks like a link, you want to read it in a new tab, but it turns out to be not a real link at all, and gives unwanted results like a blank page or a JS error when middle-clicked.

is a common alternative which might arguably be less bad. However you must remember to return false from your onclick event handler to prevent the link being followed and scrolling up to the top of the page.

In some cases there may be an actual useful place to point the link to. For example if you have a control you can click on that opens up a previously-hidden

, it makes some sense to use to link to it. Or if there is a non-JavaScript way of doing the same thing (for example, ‘thispage.php?show=foo’ that sets foo visible to begin with), you can link to that.

Otherwise, if a link points only to some script, it is not really a link and should not be marked up as such. The usual approach would be to add the onclick to a ,

, or an without an href and style it in some way to make it clear you can click on it. This is what StackOverflow [did at the time of writing; now it uses href="#"].

The disadvantage of this is that you lose keyboard control, since you can't tab onto a span/div/bare-a or activate it with space. Whether this is actually a disadvantage depends on what sort of action the element is intended to take. You can, with some effort, attempt to mimic the keyboard interactability by adding a tabIndex to the element, and listening for a Space keypress. But it's never going to 100% reproduce the real browser behaviour, not least because different browsers can respond to the keyboard differently (not to mention non-visual browsers).

If you really want an element that isn't a link but which can be activated as normal by mouse or keyboard, what you want is a

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Stop making link everywhere when someone say something unless you understand it...

I didn't say that everywhere it's written it's an injection... Go read the OWASP documents and you'll see what's XSS and JS injection...

This code stimply says that the target off the link go nowhere bt when someone click on the link, you call the JS object Messenger.chatWith (chatWith being the function of the preceeding object). Passing as parameter the variable $oUserModel->getUsername($iProfileId)

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Stop making link everywhere when someone say something unless you understand it...

I didn't say that everywhere it's written it's an injection... Go read the OWASP documents and you'll see what's XSS and JS injection...

This code stimply says that the target off the link go nowhere bt when someone click on the link, you call the JS object Messenger.chatWith (chatWith being the function of the preceeding object). Passing as parameter the variable $oUserModel->getUsername($iProfileId)

Oh I see, I thought I understood it but then I read something else and it confused me, thank you for explaining,.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables There's more than a handful of things wrong with this software...Starting by the backlinking... (writing your own domain name everywhere in the code so that it shows on the person who install your software). That's called back linking and if you do so, you either have to write it upfront or it's somewhat not ethic.

But no using javascript:void(0) is not a good way of doing it... it's like writing print (NULL);

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I see. Thank you

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables It's like creating a dating site to pick up girls phone number... it's not a thing to do... Or if you prefer like going to the bank asking a loan to buy a gun to go do a hold-up in a bank....

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yeah I understand. I have removed most of the "back links" and left a single mention of the author in the header. It was everywhere!!!

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Well that's pretty bad to do (backlinking)... You can get your extension removed and account banned if you do so on Joomla Extension Directory (JED).

Oh, your friend asked you a question about DOB... I think I answered him what you meant but he didn't understand what you said...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago


pH-7 commented 4 years ago

Hey @MKDan! Sorry for my late reply. Just say it.

How to change to

You can change easily that URL in _protected/app/configs/routes/en.xml (note: if you have different XML route files in there, due to other languages, please edit the appropriate one. e.g., fr.xml. de.xml, ...).

Just change meet-people to the path you want :)

Then, clear the "Database and Other Data" cache =>

MKDan commented 4 years ago

Hey @MKDan! Sorry for my late reply. Just say it.

How to change to

You can change easily that URL in _protected/app/configs/routes/en.xml (note: if you have different XML route files in there, due to other languages, please edit the appropriate one. e.g., fr.xml. de.xml, ...).

Just change meet-people to the path you want :)

Then, clear the "Database and Other Data" cache =>


Thank you so much! I'll try it out.

MKDan commented 4 years ago

@MKDan What's the link between the "File Manager" and phpMyAdmin ? Just like that, they both work in the browser is a wrong answer.

GitHub Community Guidelines:-

Respect each other. Nothing sabotages healthy conversation like rudeness. Be civil and professional, and don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Don’t harass or grief anyone. Treat each other with dignity and consideration in all interactions.

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Avoid name-calling, ad hominem attacks, responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, and knee-jerk contradiction. Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I like that :) I have had my own fair share of ups and downs with the delightful @polynamaude over my time here but the more I have gotten to know her I can now see the manor in which she can come across is not deliberately done! She’s just tells you the truth with no filter!

MKDan commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables You laughing out loud ? Don't make too much noise... And don't invite friend over... that's an offense in the kindom of the Queen as there's virus spreading around...

@Undefined-Variables One can possess very high knowledge but treating others like trash doesn't take them anywhere.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan As you seem too sensitive to what I say then I'll just ignore you and do like most would do. Don't tell you what's wrong because you ain't worth accepting critics.

Being off topic, asking question on the wrong thread, etc are all things that get you ignored or ban on most developer forums. If you didn't get it yet that the more time I waste with silly talk, the less I have left for real stuff.

For sure at usual hourly rate, I'll listen to all bullshit and even answer you long sentence. If you can find one thing false in what I say then I'll correct it. We choose people who think like us and go away from those who don't. Be it right wing or left wing, Republican or Democrats, Eurosceptic or Eurocentric. And we loose the ability to ask ourself what can we learn.

Maybe you shall be as good reading Github policies as doing a RTFM on pH7CMS....

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I’m also happy to listen to bullshit and answer in long sentences for an hourly rate.... Oh wait I already do this out of kindness! Unfortunately sometimes the truth is hard to hear but you need to hear it to better yourself! Not every person you meet will mummy cuddle your feelings

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables You can always find a girl that will do so on a hourly rate but you'll have to travel to the red light district and you'd better wear a condom. You'll get pretty akward mummy affection as you need there....You can get pretty much anything for hourly rate, you'll always find someone who satisfy your need. And even robots nowadays !

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Can't you create a test instance out of cPanel?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I don't use cPanel....feel like Softaculous for me.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I don’t use it I do everything via ssh with putty but my business partner needs it!

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I bet I could use an instance I installed node.js and reacts dev server runs okay!

MKDan commented 4 years ago

@MKDan As you seem too sensitive to what I say then I'll just ignore you and do like most would do. Don't tell you what's wrong because you ain't worth accepting critics.

Being off topic, asking question on the wrong thread, etc are all things that get you ignored or ban on most developer forums. If you didn't get it yet that the more time I waste with silly talk, the less I have left for real stuff.

For sure at usual hourly rate, I'll listen to all bullshit and even answer you long sentence. If you can find one thing false in what I say then I'll correct it. We choose people who think like us and go away from those who don't. Be it right wing or left wing, Republican or Democrats, Eurosceptic or Eurocentric. And we loose the ability to ask ourself what can we learn.

Maybe you shall be as good reading Github policies as doing a RTFM on pH7CMS....

This is not the proper way of criticism. Be Straightforward. Talk to the person instead of others.

I'm not banned anywhere. So, are you on-topic here? At least I take about the issue/project related.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Great question you asked there ! Maybe you shall be opening a new issue on the subject...

What you didn't seem to get is that you came here asking for help... No one's forcing your hand. In case you didn't notice, there's a minima of knowledge to be able to do something useful for this software. If you didn't like the way the information got served to you then I can't do much about it... I think @Undefined-Variables described it in a nice way. There won't always be people to nurture around so it's a give and take.

If you ain't smart enough to take a deep breath and why you've got such answer then I'll give a one-shot hint...

How to ask for Help

MKDan commented 4 years ago

I bet I could use an instance I installed node.js and reacts dev server runs okay!

AngularJS vs ReactJS vs NodeJS: Which is best to learn in 2020?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan There's no such answer... depend for what...

Also, you shall do some research on Google because you can surely compare AngularJS and ReactJS (and VueJS). But it can't be compared to NodeJS.

NodeJS is a Javascriopt-based web server used to serve application written in JS. So you can write server side application in JS. The goal being the simplicity of having the same language for both front-end and back-end. Also, NodeJS is very fast for serving IO-based application (like database query for example).

The two other are front-end JS framework...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan If you are starting to learn (and it seems like it) then I'd go with Vue.JS as it's a more progressive framework. That is you can use only part of it and it's pretty easy to lean. It's lightweight (around 20kb). AngularJS require the use of TypeScript, that's not bad in itself but that will be something else to learn. It can be good because it integrate a real typing system into Javascript. That is that variable have type (integer, string, etc).

Again, like I was saying to UV, there's a hard lesson to respect in the learning curve. You can surely end up writting a ReactJS application in one afternoon but in the end there's some stuff that you'll have passed by in your learning. So later on when bugs show off you'll have a hard time finding them and understanding why.

It can seem time-consuming and useless to do tutorials that seem for beginner when we may already know most of it. But there's subtility that can show off.

A simple example, most people don't know that if you precede a number by 0 in PHP it will make it octal based. So if someone enter 010 in you don't strip zero while treating your user input you can finish with some problem. Example with the number above, you may think it's gonna give you 10 but it gives 8 (08^0 + 1 8^1 + 0*8^3)...

And JS also does this in it's own way...

Those are small subtility of many language and it's why it's always better to do a rehearsal of what we already know !.

Hope this help a bit...

MKDan commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude Thank you I will try Vue.JS first

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi there :) It looks like there has been no activity on this issue recently. For this reason, this issue has been marked as archived. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contribution! 😊

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi again, since you didn't get back to me, I assume the problem is fixed. I'm closing it by now. If it isn't the case, please feel free to open a new issue. Thank you! 😺 Pierre-Henry 🤖

lock[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I locked the thread since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs. Thank you, Pierre-Henry Soria 🤖