pR0Ps / hexciter

A hexagon-based arcade-puzzle game
8 stars 2 forks source link

Add a "Rate me" dialog on mobile #68

Open pR0Ps opened 10 years ago

pR0Ps commented 10 years ago

Do we want to do this? Getting ratings in the Play store is essential to getting people to install the game, but we don't want to be annoying about it.

We could show a dialog on the game over screen after they've played a multiple of maybe 10-15 games with 3 options.

Both rate and never show again would set a pref to never show the dialog again, where remind would just close the dialog, causing it to pop back up the next time the multiple of games is hit.

Alternatively, we could just toss a "Rate me" button somewhere in the game that would link directly to the play store. This would be less intrusive as it would the user initiating the action directly.

Broxxar commented 10 years ago

No, it's aggressive and usually met with hostility. Read up on people doing it on r/gamedev and the Touch Arcade forums.

Including a Rate me button that is completely passive is fine though.

pR0Ps commented 10 years ago

Sounds good, rate me button it is.