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Programming with Spaces in Java
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Gate isn't closed if localhost is used #25

Open TheAIBot opened 6 years ago

TheAIBot commented 6 years ago

As the title says, the gate isn't closed if localhost is used as the ip address. Here is a minimal example.


import org.jspace.ActualField;
import org.jspace.RemoteSpace;
import org.jspace.SequentialSpace;
import org.jspace.SpaceRepository;

public class TestStarter {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException, InterruptedException {
        try {
            final SpaceRepository rep = new SpaceRepository();
            final SequentialSpace getSpace = new SequentialSpace();
            rep.add("teeest", getSpace);
            final RemoteSpace putSpace = new RemoteSpace("tcp://localhost:1290/teeest?conn");

            //close the gate
            System.out.println("Gate closed");

            //now putting something shouldn't work
            System.out.println("Give cake");

            //and get also shouldn't work
            getSpace.get(new ActualField("cake"));
            System.out.println("Got cake!");
        } catch (Exception e) {

The output is:

Gate closed
Give cake
Got cake!

I would expect both the put and get to throw an error because the connection should have ended.

I should mention that this doesn't only happen with localhost but we have also experienced it with other ip addresses although i am not able to produce an example of it. Maybe that requires the SpaceRepository and RemoteSpace to be on separate computers to reproduce?