For now I like the current form where we give the user some interaction via the terminal before deleting things from disk and library.
[ ] GUI version of undo import. This would also update the tag-status correctly, which now becomes invalid.
[ ] requires a popup / alert "this will delete folder xyz from your library"
[ ] ideally, notify downstream libraries like plex that files were removed. (i think just triggering a plex scan is not enough)
[ ] add gui_import_id when using terminal imports. this requires adding more tag data in the context menu action and siblings. will only work when terminal-importing a single tag.
First step is the 'undo import' terminal action.
For now I like the current form where we give the user some interaction via the terminal before deleting things from disk and library.
when using terminal imports. this requires adding more tag data in the context menu action and siblings. will only work when terminal-importing a single tag.