pa-ba / compdata

Haskell library implementing "Data Types a la Carte"
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Possible bug with template haskell #10

Closed spacekitteh closed 8 years ago

spacekitteh commented 9 years ago


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators, DeriveFunctor,DeriveFoldable,DeriveTraversable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, PolyKinds #-}
module Types.TTT where
  import Numeric.Natural
  import Control.Lens
  import Control.Monad
  import Data.Comp.Multi
  import Data.Comp.Multi.Show
  import Data.Comp.Multi.Equality
  import Data.Comp.Multi.Ordering
  import Data.Comp.Multi.Derive
  import Data.Comp.Ordering ()
  import Data.Comp.Equality ()
  import Data.Comp ()
  import qualified Data.Comp.Derive as DCD

  data PrimType = Int64 | Floating64 deriving (Eq, Ord)

  data Variable ty where
    Var :: String -> ty -> Variable ty
  data CoreTT a i where
    App :: a i -> a j -> CoreTT a i
    Universe :: Natural -> CoreTT a Natural

  data DevTT a i where
    Hole :: Variable (a i) -> DevTT a i

  data OptTT a i where
    SSEVect :: a String -> OptTT a String

  type Foo = DevTT :+: CoreTT :+: OptTT

  $(derive [DCD.makeFunctor, DCD.makeFoldable, DCD.makeTraversable, DCD.makeShowF, DCD.makeEqF,
          DCD.makeOrdF, DCD.smartConstructors, DCD.smartAConstructors] 
         [ ''Variable])

  $(derive [makeHFunctor, makeHFoldable, makeHTraversable, makeShowHF, makeEqHF,
          makeOrdHF, smartConstructors, smartAConstructors] 
         [ ''CoreTT, ''OptTT,  ''DevTT])

Error messages:

    Could not deduce (KOrd Variable) arising from a use of ‘kcompare’
    from the context (KOrd a)
      bound by the type signature for
                 compareHF :: KOrd a => DevTT a i -> DevTT a j -> Ordering
      at src/Types/TTT.hs:(37,5)-(39,39)
    In the expression: kcompare x_asO6 y_asO7
    In the first argument of ‘compdata-0.10:Data.Comp.Multi.Derive.Ordering.compList’, namely
      ‘[kcompare x_asO6 y_asO7]’
    In the expression:
        [kcompare x_asO6 y_asO7]

    Could not deduce (KEq Variable) arising from a use of ‘keq’
    from the context (KEq g)
      bound by the type signature for
                 eqHF :: KEq g => DevTT g i -> DevTT g j -> Bool
      at src/Types/TTT.hs:(37,5)-(39,39)
    In the expression: (x_asNW `keq` y_asNX)
    In the first argument of ‘and’, namely ‘[(x_asNW `keq` y_asNX)]’
    In the expression: and [(x_asNW `keq` y_asNX)]

    Couldn't match expected type ‘K String i0’
                with actual type ‘Variable (K String i)’
    Relevant bindings include
      x_asNN :: Variable (K String i) (bound at src/Types/TTT.hs:37:5)
      showHF :: DevTT (K String) i -> K String i
        (bound at src/Types/TTT.hs:37:5)
    In the first argument of ‘unK’, namely ‘x_asNN’
    In the expression: unK x_asNN
pa-ba commented 8 years ago

There was indeed a bug in the implementation. However, even after fixing it, I am afraid deriving Show, Eq and Ord is not possible for the DevTT type in the current setup.