I apologize for the wash to be a stupid question, I could not find a suitable example. I have an algebra AST (AST = Op1 :+: Op2 :+: Op3) transformation: alg :: Alg f (Term v). Is there a simple way to use it on annotated AST' = (Op1 :&: Ann) :+: (Op2 :&: Ann) :+: (Op3 :&: Ann) ?
I apologize for the wash to be a stupid question, I could not find a suitable example. I have an algebra AST (AST = Op1 :+: Op2 :+: Op3) transformation: alg :: Alg f (Term v). Is there a simple way to use it on annotated AST' = (Op1 :&: Ann) :+: (Op2 :&: Ann) :+: (Op3 :&: Ann) ?
PS: I studied Desugaring examples.