pa-wills / Home-Assistant-Config

This is my Home Assistant config repo. Just yamls at this very early stage.
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No one is ever going to go into the Eaves besides me. I should alarm it. #52

Closed pa-wills closed 4 years ago

pa-wills commented 4 years ago

I have tried to build the feature using the alert primitive. It works, basically, but there's a defect. It will send a notification each time the sensor trips, which is not great because the sensor resets itself about every 30s. I thought that using the "repeat" parameter would slow this, but alas, no.

So, I think we need to do something different:

So, how to invoke a script from an alert?

Hmmm, maybe automation to script....

and the set-variable:

Here's an argument that you should use input_variables for this type of thing:

pa-wills commented 4 years ago

This integration could be the go:

pa-wills commented 4 years ago

I have the basic design working now, but when I introduce the condition in the script - it fails.

pa-wills commented 4 years ago

Practically completed. and merged back into master.