pa11y / pa11y-ci

Pa11y CI is a CI-centric accessibility test runner, built using Pa11y
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Documentation and code mismatch when using sitemap and config #229

Open mkotamies opened 6 months ago

mkotamies commented 6 months ago

pa11y-ci Github page has following note: Providing a sitemap will cause the urls property in your JSON config to be ignored. Looks like the statement is incorrect. Providing sitemap as a parameter and having config with uurls, actually includes the urls in the test.

Here is example repo with instructions to replicate the problem.

At the moment, there isn't a test case with config and sitemap. Add the following test to cli-sitemap.test.js and the test will fail.

describe('pa11y-ci (with a sitemap being sitemapindex) and config. should ignore config urls', () => {

    before(() => {
        return global.cliCall([

    it('loads the expected urls from multiple sitemaps', () => {
        assert.notInclude(global.lastResult.output, 'http://localhost:8090/config-extension-json');
        assert.include(global.lastResult.output, 'http://localhost:8090/passing-1');
        assert.include(global.lastResult.output, 'http://localhost:8090/failing-1');
        assert.include(global.lastResult.output, 'http://localhost:8090/excluded');
        assert.include(global.lastResult.output, 'http://localhost:8090/passing-2');


I'm not sure if the documentation or code is correct. My assumption is that the documentation is correct

mkotamies commented 6 months ago

Here's a potential solution with a test case

aarongoldenthal commented 6 months ago

In looks like the README was changed in a documentation cleanup between v3.0.1 and v3.1.0 here:

- This takes the text content of each `<loc>` in the XML and runs Pa11y against that URL.
- This can also be combined with a config file, but URLs in the sitemap will override any
- found in your JSON config.
+ Pa11y will be run against the text content of each `<loc/>` in the sitemap's XML.
+ > NOTE
+ > Providing a sitemap will cause the `urls` property in your JSON config to be ignored.

The code actually doesn't behave either way - it analyzes both (using any other specified config that's available for that case). If specified from the CLI as well it will add a third.

I would advocate leaving the behavior as-is and cleaning up the documentation, but if a change is made then I would think the opposite is more beneficial - the config urls should override the sitemap. The config allows a much broader set of options to be specified, and would then allow overriding the config only for specific URLs in a sitemap (e.g. increasing the timeout or adding a wait for one URL).

mkotamies commented 6 months ago

That's a good finding from the history!

As I mentioned in the first message, I'm not sure if the docs or code is correct. Cleaning up the documentation makes sense and it'll remove the confusion between the two

danyalaytekin commented 3 months ago

Hi both and thank you, including for the extremely helpful repo and test case @mkotamies, and your additional understanding and information @aarongoldenthal.


The code actually doesn't behave either way - it analyzes both (using any other specified config that's available for that case). I would advocate leaving the behavior as-is and cleaning up the documentation, but if a change is made then I would think the opposite is more beneficial - the config urls should override the sitemap.

I agree that while the current behaviour of loading exact duplicates isn't ideal, it does solve the problem of 'overrides' that you've described when the accompanying settings vary.

I've moved this into 4.x but it may well ship with 4.0.0 if it's completed in time.