pa1nki113r / Project_Brutality

This is the primary repository for collaborative efforts between Doom developers on Project Brutality. This is the bleeding-edge version that is constantly being developed on, and not meant in any way shape or form to be representative of the final version of the mod.
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Weapon bobbing error #577

Closed Mrinthehouse closed 3 years ago

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

When I load up the mod and start a game it will crash and give this error message Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 8 25 04 PM This started after I updated my computer but it doesn't effect Brutal Doom or any of the other addons I have so I don't know if that is what is causing it. If someone could tell me a fix or just tell me what is wrong I would really appreciate it because I really love this mod and want to play more of it

JMartinez2098 commented 3 years ago

I would try using LZDoom, later GZDoom versions are known to do this for some odd reason. What are your PC specs btw?

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

I have a mac

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@Mrinthehouse out of curiosity, what's your zm_offsetmaxrange, zm_offsetspeed CVAR values set to? You can probably find them in your gzdoom.ini file

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@Mrinthehouse if you don't have them (or they're set to 0) try adding the defaults to your gzdoom.ini


And see if that fixes your issue

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

Do you know where the file would be

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

Or would I do that in GZDoom. Im not a huge computer person so I don't know these things

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@Mrinthehouse I'm not on Mac OS, so I can't be sure.

On Linux it's at ~/.config/gzdoom/gzdoom.ini, so it's possible it's there for you too. It's possible you can find it by searching with Finder.

My personal favorite way is opening a terminal and running sudo find / -name "gzdoom.ini" but you probably shouldn't be running superuser commands from randos on the internet :wink:

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

Ok I found it. I'll try that after I finish something I'll be right back

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

Ok opened the file and found all the code with zm_ but didn't see the ones you specified. If there is an equivalent or maybe I just missed it Idk zm_adashboost=10 zm_adashfriction=1 zm_airdash=false zm_autojump=true zm_crouchslide=false zm_crouchspeed=0.5 zm_cslideduration=13 zm_cslidestrength=2 zm_cslidetype=0 zm_dash=false zm_dashboost=1.5 zm_dashheight=0.75 zm_doublejump=0 zm_doublejumpheight=1.2000000476837158 zm_dropprevention=false zm_ejumpmultiplier=1 zm_elevatorjump=false zm_friction=8 zm_hook=0 zm_hookboost=1.5 zm_jumpheight=5.5 zm_landing=false zm_landingsens=6 zm_landingspeed=0.25 zm_ledgegrab=false zm_maxgroundspeed=12 zm_maxhopspeed=28 zm_minlanding=0.5 zm_movetype=0 zm_multipledashes=0 zm_qslideaccel=6 zm_qslideduration=8 zm_rampjump=false zm_rjumpmulti=1 zm_setgravity=0.5600000023841858 zm_speedometer=0 zm_strafemodifier=1 zm_walkspeed=0.699999988079071 zm_wjdoublejumprenew=false zm_wjump=false zm_wjumpboost=1.5 zm_wjumpheight=0.75 zm_wslide=false zm_wslidevelz=0.8999999761581421

JMartinez2098 commented 3 years ago

You can try using the GZDoom console instead. Just type what he has specified.

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

Sorry my computer just died and I have no idea where the charger is. @JMartinez9820 I'll try that but if that doesn't work I'll just get LZDoom like you said. Thanks for your help

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@Mrinthehouse I'd actually be super curious if that ends up working. That'd point in the direction of a fixable bug and could help out future users of this mod

Mrinthehouse commented 3 years ago

@DonnieWest @JMartinez9820 The fix worked perfectly. I've played through the first 3 levels of doom 2 with no issues at all. I found the gzdoom.ini at ~/Library/Preferences/ then scrolled down to the file. Then I just added those lines you said. Thanks again for your help I really appreciate it.

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@Mrinthehouse thanks!

@JMartinez9820 looks like the issue is here then

I'm no ZScript dev, but it looks like we're not checking those variables for null or 0. Do we consider it a bug on our end if those default CVars aren't set or do we consider that a user error? If it's a bug, I'd be happy to submit a PR fixing it :)

JMartinez2098 commented 3 years ago

I would say a bug. Go ahead and submit a PR if you like. Just do some testing before doing so, feel free to join the Discord server as well.

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@JMartinez9820 would just checking for 0 and changing them to the default CVar values be acceptable?

JMartinez2098 commented 3 years ago

Anyway you think is acceptable and easier. Here is a link to the PB Discord server if you want it.

DonnieWest commented 3 years ago

@JMartinez9820 Thanks! I'm on there, I should probably log in more often :joy:

JMartinez2098 commented 3 years ago

Btw, if you just made a Discord account, the server may kick you out for your account being too young. If this is the case, wait for three days. Also, make sure your Discord account is set up to receive DMs from all users, as a bot will send you a link for verification.