pa3gsb / Radioberry-2.x

Ham Radio hat for Raspberry PI
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Using RPI Secondary Memory Interface? #50

Closed rhgndf closed 5 months ago

rhgndf commented 5 months ago

Is it possible for a future revision of this to use the Secondary Memory Interface(SMI)? It could support a much wider bandwidth streaming into the RPI.

pa3gsb commented 5 months ago

of course it is possible to make use of SMI (some changes in the hw) ; the radioberry is open hw and sw so if you really want SMI i invite you to make a variant.

Beside SMI interface for higher bandwiths ; the radioberry can be connected to a juice board for higher bandwidths; besides higher bandwith the radioberry can be used via usb by a pc running linux or windows.

look at rpi5 and investigate new possibilities and let us know your ideas