paaspaas00 / pornhubGrayjay

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Video searching issue #7

Open Darktroid4000 opened 2 months ago

Darktroid4000 commented 2 months ago

The video searching a feature ain't working

ThunderHen commented 1 month ago

Search Seems to work for channels but search is not working for videos.

paaspaas00 commented 1 month ago

Hi guys, I'm a bit busy ATM, if you want I to go ahead and implement it, go for it. It's easy, basically just look at the network tab in browser for the url and params sent and replicate what I've already done for video search. Docs is in and here other plugins you can get inspiration from. Overall it should be like no more than 10 lines of codes, maybe less :)

I'll be happy to merge your contributions!

ThunderHen commented 3 weeks ago

Hi I'm not a Dev but I think pornhub might be looking for a user to accept they are over 18 for search quarrys to work. I did take a look and it seems to be using the same URL. Thank for making this plugin BTW.