pablo-co / bamboo_postmark

A Bamboo adapter for Postmark
MIT License
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Remove Poison Dependency #21

Closed BenMorganIO closed 5 years ago

BenMorganIO commented 5 years ago

Bamboo comes with config :bamboo, :json_library, MyJsonLibrary. I'm wondering if it's possible to use that here instead of using poison.

pablo-co commented 5 years ago

Right now it's not posible to do that, but it sounds like something that may be useful. I would like to know a little more about your specific use case; Do you want to change the JSON library in order to avoid Poison as a dependency or is there some other reason I might be missing?

BenMorganIO commented 5 years ago

Well, when I run a mix deps.get I end up with two JSON libraries. One is Poison and the other is Jason. My goal here is to consolidate the application to a single JSON library rather than see several get installed.

pablo-co commented 5 years ago

Will work on adding this enhancement on the weekend, will keep you posted!

pablo-co commented 5 years ago

I just released version 0.5.0 with this feature.