pablodp606 / keymesh-addon

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Curves: "Anim All" Addon & "Keymesh" crash when used together #18

Open adamearle opened 2 years ago

adamearle commented 2 years ago

Using the "Keymesh Addon" with "Anim All Addon" causes a crash.

The idea was to use curves with grease pencil line art modifier to create a 2D character. A very specific example would be creating different mouth shapes and being able to switch them out using key mesh.

"Anim All Addon" comes into play when tweening from one mouth shapes to the next.

Lets say mouth shape A (4 points) is on frame 10, and uses the "Anim All Addon" to tween to Frame 20, mouth shape B. Easy enough. Now if we want frame 20 to use 3 times the amount of points ideally we would be able to cheat it using the "Keymesh Addon" using the animation principle cut on the action.

At the moment both addons are storing the information in 2 very different ways.

Combining these addons means tweening curves and meshes and the ability to "switch and tween" on breakdown keys for seamless tweening. This would make curves more robust and reliable than Grease Pencils and offer more functionality taking advantage of Grease Pencil, EEVEE, and Geometry Nodes with minimal code to maintain.

Happy to get online and talk to you more about this showing animation examples and how the UI might be able to be improved for animators if Blender if is capable of doing it.