pablofrommars / GGNet

GG.Net Data Visualization
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Change Geom in client side Blazor #2

Closed Bellt-GCA closed 4 years ago

Bellt-GCA commented 4 years ago

Hi, I was testing your component but was not able to change the geom type depending on what type of chart the user has selected. When I refresh the page (F5) the the data is shown correctly. This is the code I use for selecting the geom:

    switch (ChartType)
        case 1:
            reportData = Plot.New(reportSource, x: pX, o => o.Value)
                .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Dodge)
                .Scale_X_Discrete(expand: (0.0, 0.1, 0, 0.1), formatter: labeller)
                .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o => o.Id, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
                .YLab("y label%")
                .Title("Test report")
                .Theme(dark: false);
            reportData = Plot.New(reportSource, x: pX, o => o.Value)
                .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Stack)
                .Scale_X_Discrete(expand: (0.0, 0.1, 0, 0.1), formatter: labeller)
                .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o => o.Id, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
                .YLab("y label%")
                .Title("Test report")
                .Theme(dark: false);
Bellt-GCA commented 4 years ago

Also every time I call this code, the data in the chart seems to be added...

pablofrommars commented 4 years ago


Can you please advise on the version your are using?

I will have a look at it ASAP.

Thanks for reporting.

Bellt-GCA commented 4 years ago

Hi Pablo, thanks for the quick reply, I used the latest version 1.3.9 Regards, Jan

pablofrommars commented 4 years ago

Here are a couple of options.


Setting a key in the Plot tag forces Blazor to create a new component everytime a new reportData is created.

@page "/solution1"

@using GGNet
@using GGNet.Components

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick=SwapChartType>Swap Chart Type</button>

<div class="border rounded-lg m-5 p-1" style="width: 720px;">
    <Plot Data=@reportData T="(double, double, int)" TX=Double TY=Double @key=@reportData/>

@code {

    Source<(double x, double y, int id)> reportSource;
    Data<(double x, double y, int id), double, double> reportData;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        reportSource = new Source<(double x, double y, int id)>(new[]
            (x: 1.0, y:1.0, id: 1),
            (x: 1.0, y:1.0, id: 2),
            (x: 2.0, y:0.5, id: 1),
            (x: 2.0, y:1.2, id: 2)


    private int ChartType = 2;

    private void SwapChartType()
        if (ChartType == 2)
            ChartType = 1;
            ChartType = 2;

        switch (ChartType)
            case 1:
                reportData = Plot.New(reportSource, o => o.x, o => o.y)
                    .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Dodge)
                    .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o =>, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
                    .YLab("y label%")
                    .Title("Test report")
                    .Theme(dark: false);

                reportData = Plot.New(reportSource, o => o.x, o => o.y)
                    .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Stack)
                    .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o =>, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
                    .YLab("y label%")
                    .Title("Test report")
                    .Theme(dark: false);


Create all chart types in advance and use some CSS dark magic to selectively choose the desired chart to be displayed.

@page "/solution2"

@using GGNet
@using GGNet.Components

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick=SwapChartType>Swap Chart Type</button>

<div class="border rounded-lg m-5 p-1" style="display: @(ChartType == 1 ? "block" : "none");width: 720px;">
    <Plot Data=@reportData1 T="(double, double, int)" TX=Double TY=Double />

<div class="border rounded-lg m-5 p-1" style="display: @(ChartType != 1 ? "block" : "none");width: 720px;">
    <Plot Data=@reportData2 T="(double, double, int)" TX=Double TY=Double />

@code {

    Source<(double x, double y, int id)> reportSource;
    Data<(double x, double y, int id), double, double> reportData1;
    Data<(double x, double y, int id), double, double> reportData2;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        reportSource = new Source<(double x, double y, int id)>(new[]
            (x: 1.0, y:1.0, id: 1),
            (x: 1.0, y:1.0, id: 2),
            (x: 2.0, y:0.5, id: 1),
            (x: 2.0, y:1.2, id: 2)

        reportData1 = Plot.New(reportSource, o => o.x, o => o.y)
            .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Dodge)
            .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o =>, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
            .YLab("y label%")
            .Title("Test report")
            .Theme(dark: false);

        reportData2 = Plot.New(reportSource, o => o.x, o => o.y)
            .Geom_Bar(position: PositionAdjustment.Stack)
            .Scale_Fill_Discrete(o =>, Colors.Brewer.YlGnBu[4], direction: -1)
            .YLab("y label%")
            .Title("Test report")
            .Theme(dark: false);

    private int ChartType = 1;

    private void SwapChartType()
        if (ChartType == 2)
            ChartType = 1;
            ChartType = 2;


Requires work on my end as I haven't really planned for your use case.

TODO: Add a Data.ClearGeoms function and let RenderPolicy.Auto take care of the updates.

Let me know!

Bellt-GCA commented 4 years ago

Wauw thanks for the quick reply!! Solution 1 works form me, so for now I am good (building a prototype of an application) in the long run I must look into it in more detail...