pablopunk / SwiftShift

Sweet window management for macOS
MIT License
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Screenshotting using Command + Shift + 4 / 5 enables Swift Shift after screenshotting #29

Open leefxrnandes opened 5 months ago

leefxrnandes commented 5 months ago

After screenshotting using any of the following combinations:

To replicate this, set your resize shortcut to Command + Shift.

I'm sure it is not intentional behaviour, and no one has probably used this shortcut before.

pablopunk commented 5 months ago

hey @leefxrnandes, sorry for the late reply. I've always used Command + Shift for resize. I don't have many issues with it, although it does get a bit "stuck" from time to time. I've seen similar reports of this ( but I have a hard time reproducing it myself.

I have a PR that may fix this issue, can you try to download the zip in this PR and see if that does anything?

pablopunk commented 5 months ago

Also @cpressland you might wanna try the PR above too

leefxrnandes commented 5 months ago

Hey @pablopunk!

Sadly the same issue occurs with this version. :( I'm happy to keep testing any builds you have.

(Also I hope this is how you reply to someone. I've never done this before)