pablopunk / SwiftShift

Sweet window management for macOS
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Remove Sparkle Sandboxing configuration #34

Closed zorgiepoo closed 4 months ago

zorgiepoo commented 4 months ago

Due to a sandboxing issue new to macOS Sonoma, users may see a one-time warning when checking for updates about "Downloader" differs from previously opened versions. See for more information.

SwiftShift can simply resolve this issue by removing its sandboxed configuration for Sparkle because SwiftShift itself is not sandboxed. This involves removing the SUEnableDownloaderService and SUEnableInstallerLauncherService keys in its Info.plist along with removing the key in its entitlements file. These settings were retrieved from Sparkle's Sandboxing guide but again, this app is not sandboxed.

pablopunk commented 4 months ago

hey @zorgiepoo, thank you for taking the time to explain it! Would you say this will be enough? Or should I just remove the entitlements file too?

zorgiepoo commented 4 months ago

hey @zorgiepoo, thank you for taking the time to explain it! Would you say this will be enough? Or should I just remove the entitlements file too?

Looks good to me. Shouldn't matter if you remove an empty entitlements file or not. Be sure to test updating works.

pablopunk commented 4 months ago

Shouldn't matter if you remove an empty entitlements file or not

Turns out Xcode complains if it's not there. Anyway, I tested and updating works, so I'll include this in the next release. Thanks for the help!

zorgiepoo commented 4 months ago

That is probably because you have the entitlements file set for CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS build setting and you didn’t remove that.