pablopunk / SwiftShift

Sweet window management for macOS
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To use fn modifier as one of the keys to resize or move #46

Closed Dhairy2003 closed 4 months ago

Dhairy2003 commented 4 months ago

I use an external keyboard and the fn key is pretty useless . By having the fn key to move/resize will save me the trouble to use another modifier or gap of modifiers.

pablopunk commented 4 months ago

hey @Dhairy2003, I'm sorry but AFAIK the fn key doesn't really do anything unless it's pressed in combination with another key, so it doesn't do much on its own. Or at least there's no event it's sending that I can catch to move/resize windows :(

Feel free to open another issue/PR if you think there's a workaround or more info I don't know about

nmder commented 3 months ago

Not sure if it'll help, but this obscure app with similar functionalities does it:
