pablopunk / SwiftShift

Sweet window management for macOS
MIT License
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Potential Performance/Design Issue #47

Open nmder opened 3 months ago

nmder commented 3 months ago

Hello there,

Thanks for the very nice work!!

One thing that I noticed though is the energy consumption of your app increases as I move my mouse. It seems that the app is always tracking the mouse cursor. Perhaps, It would be better to start tracing when the keybindings are activated.

I might be wrong though. Not a swift expert by any means.

Thanks again!!

pablopunk commented 3 months ago

Hey @nmder! Thanks for opening the issue. Can you let me know how you notice that?

The app is actually only tracking the mouse whenever you press a shortcut. Look at this video of Xcode's builtin energy benchmark. Impact is always ZERO until I resize/move the window (which makes it LOW)

nmder commented 3 months ago

Hi @pablopunk, Thanks for replying! I noticed it at the activity monitor. I can have another look soon and share my findings in a video, as you did.

nmder commented 3 months ago

Hi @pablopunk

Please check the video below. Actually, I initially couldn't reproduce it. However, then I rapidly moved a window by holding the keys. Thereafter, I could see the spike in the video without holding the keys.

Hope this helps!


pablopunk commented 2 months ago

@nmder sorry, I tried the same with Activity Monitor and I still get the same behavior as in Xcode. What modifiers are you using as a shortcut? I must be missing something

nmder commented 2 months ago

Hi @pablopunk

I was using left cmd as a modifier to move windows. Cmd + ctrl for resizing.


danini-the-panini commented 3 weeks ago

There is definitely something going on re: performance. It seems to get worse the longer the app runs. Moving and resizing windows (even natively) was very slow. I restarted Swift Shift and the problem went away :/

pablopunk commented 2 weeks ago

@danini-the-panini that's odd cause I basically never turn off my computer and Swift Shift is always open, without any performance issues. Can you see anything in Activity Monitor?

danini-the-panini commented 2 weeks ago

I tried and it didn't show up when I sorted by CPU usage :/

danini-the-panini commented 1 week ago

I have a sneaky suspicious it's perhaps leaking some sort of window observers, that might be why window resize/move (even natively) is lagging? but other functions (e.g. typing/scrolling on slack) is fine

also, are you on M1 or Intel?

pablopunk commented 1 week ago


danini-the-panini commented 5 days ago

I'm also on apple silicon. Oh and forgot to mention I'm running Sonoma 14.5. Seems very inconsistent, generally happens after a wake from sleep, but not always. 😔