pablopunk / SwiftShift

Sweet window management for macOS
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Include mouse settings #53

Closed danini-the-panini closed 1 month ago

danini-the-panini commented 1 month ago

Continuing on the work done in #22 resolving #16

  1. Store and Load mouse settings
  2. Add CGEventSupervisor as a dependency, since it allows intercepting global mouse events synchronously with the ability to cancel (prevents context menu popping up when right-clicking, etc.)
  3. Track mouse button on shortcut instead of tracking mouse move immediately
  4. Track appropriate mouse move event for the given mouse button option

I tried to take a video but because the mouse clicks are intercepted, they don't show up in any recording software I try use.

codesandbox[bot] commented 1 month ago

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pablopunk commented 1 month ago

Works great! Thanks!