pabloromeo / clusterplex

ClusterPlex is an extended version of Plex, which supports distributed Workers across a cluster to handle transcoding requests.
MIT License
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List Helm chart on Artifacthub #236

Closed brandan-schmitz closed 12 months ago

brandan-schmitz commented 12 months ago

Adding the helm chart from this repository to Artifacthub would be a great way to make it more discoverable. It has become kinda a central location for searching for helm charts and other k8s deployment resources.

You would want to add a artifacthub-repo.yml file to the gh-pages branch before adding the repo on Artifacthub. This will allow it to show on their site as the verified publisher. The email address needs to match the one used for the account on ArtifactHub.

repositoryID: clusterplex
  - name: pabloromeo
pabloromeo commented 12 months ago

Awesome idea! I'll try to get that set up

pabloromeo commented 12 months ago

Done! 🍾

It should be automatically refreshing soon to show your new 1.1.0 version.