pablosanjose / Elsa.jl

Efficient lattice simulation algorithms - a Julia library
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devdoc: slices and Green functions #1

Closed pablosanjose closed 5 years ago

pablosanjose commented 5 years ago


Green functions will be built from generic Bandstructures or from Systems. In the latter case, if the system is 1D, we can resort to traditional generalised eigenvalue methods. Also, iterative matrix-free methods could be invoked. But in the case of getting a Bandstructure we drop to the much more powerful interpolated methods. This issue describes some design ideas for the latter.

A Bandstructure is essentially a Mesh and a state at each mesh node. The N-dimensional nodes (parameters..., energy) are part of a Lattice, that together with a collection of Elements (N-simplices of nodes) form the Mesh. The parameters are typically Bloch momenta (periodic), but can be any other system parameter (periodic or otherwise) that are used for interpolation of energies and states.

struct Mesh{T,E,L,N,EL}
struct Bandstructure{T,N,L,NL}

To evaluate the Green function at a given energy we employ the analytic formulae for the integral of the resolvent in linear simplices. Now, the integral is performed only on the Bloch momenta, so we need a way to enconde which of the N dimensions of lattice elements we have to integrate over. One way is to have that be part of the Bandstructure, but it's perhaps more flexible to pass that as a parameter to GreenFunction(bands, blochdims = (1,2,3)), where blochdims are the dimension to integrate over.

Should we make GreenFunction a type with some precomputation, and then compute its value at different energies and values of non-intergrated dimensions? What valuable precomputation can be performed?

Slicing problem

Take a N-simplex in N-dimensional space. Its contribution to the Green function requires to perform a section at a given energy + non-Bloch parameters, M linear constraints in total. That should produce a set of vertices, which form a new "section simplex".

The original simplex is defined by the N vertices p_1, p_2... p_N. Taking p0 as a reference vertex (any of them will do), we can define a matrix v with columns given by edge vectors containing p0, i.e. v_ij = p^i_j - p0^i The simplex is then defined as all N-dimensional points satisfying

r_α = p0 + v *  α

where α is an N-1-dimensional vector with Σ|α_i| ∈ [0,1].

Any point r is written in a basis where the Bloch momenta q are the first B coordinates of r, and the non-Bloch + energy μ are the last 'M' coordinates (with N = B + M). We choose energy, which is always present, to be the first coordinate of μ, i.e. r_(B+1) = ε.

r = (q_1 … q_B ε μ_2 … μ_B)

We now wish to impose M constraints on the μ coordinates of the points in the simplex. The values of μ live in an M dimensional subspace with projector P, whose MxN matrix reads

P = hcat(zero(SMatrix{M,B,Int}), one(SMatrix{M,M,Int}))

In terms of this P, the points r'_α in the simplex slice satisfy

α_i > 0 and ∑α_i <= 1       (constraint 1)
P * p0 + P * v * α = μ      (constraint 2)
r'_α = p0 + v *  α

The new constraint 2 (which are actually M equations on the acceptable values of α) leaves B degrees of freedom in α, with the rest M of them fixed. The simplex slice can then be decomposed as a set of B-simplices with vertices to be determined as follows.

Of the N values of α_i we select subsets of size B (there are K = binomial(N, B) of these subsets) and fix the corresponding α_i to zero in constraint 2, which then becomes a set of M equations with M unknowns. If it is invertible and the solution satisfies constraint 1 (β_i > 0 and ∑β_i <= 1), one has a vertex from which to build the new B-simplices that make up the slice. We call the k solutions β^j (vectors of length M), where j=1…k (k <= K, at most the number of subsets), and the actual vertices p'^j = p0 + v * α^j, where the α^j are the N-vectors built from each of the β^j M-vectors.

Can we find a closed form for β^j? Let us define the K projectors Q^j of size MxN such that β = Q^j * α selects the M non-zero components of α for a subset j, and conversely α = transpose(Q^j) * β builds an N-vector with B zeroes. As an example,

Q^1 = hcat(zero(SMatrix{M,B,Int}), one(SMatrix{M,M,Int}))

selects the last M components of α. Constraint 2 is then written as

P * p0 + P * v * transpose(Q^j) * β = μ 

Then a candidate solution β^j would be expressed as

β^j = inv(A) * (μ - μ0)
A^j = P * v * transpose(Q^j)
μ0 = P * p0

This will be a valid solution as long as the MxM matrix A^j is invertible and satisfies constraint 1 (β_i > 0 and ∑β_i <= 1). Otherwise we discard the solution.

It is then clear that the μ-independent preprocessing that can be performed on a given mesh of simplices is to compute the inverses of matrices A^j for each subset and each simplex (where it exists), and store all the μ0's.

Pure-energy slices

In some cases we want to keep solutions even if we violate constraint 1. This happens when expressing the contribution of a simplex to the Green's function integral, that is expressed in terms of all the β^j, regardless of constraint 1. In such situation we need to slice first for μ_2…μ_B using constraint 1, create a new simplex mesh, and then use the same machinery to obtain the p' vertices when constraining ɛ without contraint 1 (no need to build a new mesh for that).

For other uses, such as computing a Fermi line, we do need to apply constraint 1 to find he Fermi line segment on each simplex.

Note that a pure-energy slice of an N = B + 1-dimensional mesh creates K = binomial(N, N-1) = N vertices per simplex, before constraint 1. Note that after contraint 1 we can have three different situation:

I don't think you can get 0 < k < B.

In a 2D system (N = 3), you always have case (1), i.e. k = 2, single 2-simplex, a single Fermi line segment per simplex, or (3). Same for a 1D system. In a 3D system (N = 4), however, you can have any of the three cases.

pablosanjose commented 5 years ago

Moved to docs/devdocs where this belongs.