pacas00 / ModdersGearbox

A Fortresscraft Evolved Modding Library.
MIT License
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XML file to customize crafting categories. #18

Open ph3rr3t opened 5 years ago

ph3rr3t commented 5 years ago

I need to remember you're working on helpful stuff like this more often.

    <CategoryKey>Terraforming</CategoryKey><!--Used as key & name. Shouldn't need to separate.-->
    <CategoryType>MFP</CategoryType><!--HandCraft - HC, ManufactuingPlant - MFP, or Both.-->
    <CategoryKey>Energy Storage</CategoryKey><!--Used as key & name. Shouldn't need to separate.-->
    <CategoryType>MFP</CategoryType><!--HandCraft - HC, ManufactuingPlant - MFP, or Both.-->
pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Unsure if this is needed. We already can do this via code.

Unsure if this is wise as we'd have to screw with every mods recipes after they load, needing to load again after the load.

The MFP doesn't support more than the existing number of slots for categories. If another modder could be convinced to make an MFP that supports more than 20/22 categories on the UI, i'd consider this.

ph3rr3t commented 5 years ago

Well I was thinking we could do with an end game MFP, probably a 3x3 or 5x5 multiblock variant, where the various crafting categories would be activated on it with memory dongles (MFP Modules), 1 dongle per category.

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Well, If someone capable of doing UIs (I'm not sadly) wrote the machine, I'd happily accept it. I tried this once and failed miserably.

If you want to try and convince someone to do so, Feel free.