pacas00 / ModdersGearbox

A Fortresscraft Evolved Modding Library.
MIT License
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Implement HD texture support, Rewrite Stitching, Use new scaling code. #8

Closed pacas00 closed 5 years ago

pacas00 commented 5 years ago



We'd have to work out what the largest texture is and scale everything up to it.

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Might need to do this for compatibility.

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Would need to switch to an alternate mode that uses 28 wide and restitches the base textures.

Then need to calculate the new total spare squares.

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Following Classes would need methods to be replaced.


TerrainUV Fields need to be updated based on sizes. We do this currently, but not entirely sure on the math from past tinkerings.

TerrainUVCoord Need to update the re-creation in SetTerrainTextures to use new values instead of hard coded like vanilla.

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

Working. Ready for #10

pacas00 commented 5 years ago

And this is finished, Pending any bugs.