pace-neutrons / Horace

Horace is a suite of programs for the visualization and analysis of large datasets from time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering spectrometers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PRIORITIZATION: Post-construction 1a #1653

Open cmarooney-stfc opened 4 months ago

cmarooney-stfc commented 4 months ago

High priority do first as they arise

  1. Bugs
  2. New tests - as things arise

Immediate feedback

  1. modelling codes (Euphonic, SpinW, Brille) - Christian says SpinW working, David (was) working with Euphonic FRANZ! also release versions of Euphonic, SpinW - JW to discuss with Duc - report at next sprint

Tasks to do and time estimates

  1. PACE-integration CI not working - JW to talk to Adam, also Duc re Spinw disconnect - fill in ticket #1655 - if just sort issue, trivial fix (1d), otherwise need Adam help. Check if simple asap by next sprint review.
  2. Documentation - JW: H3/H4 conversion docs, ongoing background task. Nearly there, need to check what is missing. doc by next sprint review. Also need to advertise this. Based on Ross list of things not working - check with him. Also check with adroja. #1632 PR #1642
  3. Docuemntation (general): probably finished, modulo Alex current work #1637 Pr #1648. but need general consultation/feedback from Excitations. Actual docs finished (JW). CHECK TICKET
  4. Documentation - JW: Horace settings #1607 lower priority - reprioritise end May
  5. Read H4 output from H3 - Alex? - CHECK TICKET - need to understand who asked for this as this will be difficult as need to convert from serializable
  6. Assist Radu (and others) in dealing with revised API, documenting where an interface cannot be provided. Need to have meeting with Radu. Action for meeting with Radu - TGP/JW - and documenting API changes - JW - CHECK TICKETS - delay prioritisation - Alex has invited Radu or student to come and discuss - Alex sends email
  7. Horace deprecation document - needs Ross flipchart sheet added and turned into a PACE newsletter - newsletter? (it will be CM) - CHECK TICKET and inquire on contents = here are the changes doc, newsletter is reporting changes with this cycle
  8. Parallelization - prioritise this once H4 is feature complete (cut needs benchmarking (is parallelised), symmetrise (probably JW, 2w FTE, gensqw can symmetrise, this is symmetrisation post generation for large sqw, jW to ask) and unary/binary (Alex) need parallelising - CHECK TICKET #1173 and notes on blocking, see references to tickets in this ticket
  9. Shift pixels awaits assessment of of energy focus cut (Alex)- functionlity disabled, requires full binning and resort - post-closeout
  10. generic minimiser - have interface for other minimisers, could do other grad project moving on from Joshua - TGP, JW to explore - not before closeout (next grad cycle is september)
  11. Profiling - speed was not identified as a problem in Ross identification of issues. Should we keep this deprioritised? #1490, #1488 data from Toby - see cut wants benchmarking above
  12. Add full instrument info, especially detector info, to SQW (CM)
  13. deprecate Horace 3 (after closeout) and items leading to this (=Ross flipchart)

See #1650 for other issues

Jacob current priorities: