pace-neutrons / Horace

Horace is a suite of programs for the visualization and analysis of large datasets from time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering spectrometers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TRACK: Post Construction 3a 22.5.24 #1696

Open cmarooney-stfc opened 2 months ago

cmarooney-stfc commented 2 months ago

Closeout Meeting

Although there is still some activity on PACE, with the formal end of the project at the beginning of last month it is time to write the close-out report. This would then be followed by a close-out meeting arranged by the ISIS project office. I think we are expecting to hold the meeting in August – I’d propose before 9th because that is the last day of the beam cycle and a lot of people will be away after that. So, working backwards, that means the report would be needed by mid-July at the very latest. I think that should be ample time to complete it.

We should also give some though about attendees of the close-out meeting. I’d suggest yourselves and the rest of the PACE team, David, Vicky, Hannah, Franz, Anders, possibly one or two more Excitations group members, someone from SCD (Gilberto??). Anyone else come to mind?

I attach a pro-forma for the close-out report, from the project office. Happy to discuss this if you like.

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