pace-neutrons / Horace

Horace is a suite of programs for the visualization and analysis of large datasets from time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering spectrometers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TRACKING: post-construction 2/7/24 #1716

Open cmarooney-stfc opened 4 weeks ago

cmarooney-stfc commented 4 weeks ago

Agenda modification for this meeting:

It was agreed at the last sprint review meeting that this meeting should discuss planning for the period after closeout. As David cannot be present, this discussion will in fact take place at a separate meeting next week, to ensure everyone can be present.

Reports and actions:


JW has discussed with Duc the long-term support for the Horace/SpinW interface, and it was agreed that Richard and Duc will take over these interfaces for maintenance and further development. A protocol has to be decided on how this will work - the Horace and SpinW teams will discuss this, with a view to deciding how this should be achieved, including testing. JW will be the Horace liaison for this. It was noted that we have existing CI to track such development.

The proposal for this is ready, and has been approved by Anders. ISIS can fund this if SCD is not able to. As SCD has only 8 ALC spots to provided all its graduate funding, we propose that ISIS should plan to fund this immediately without attempting to apply to SCD. It was noted that this is closely related to Alex's current student project. Alex and Jacob should work on preparatory work, to narrow the possible options, and de-obscurify. A submission should be planned to be made by 22/7, for an Aug/Sept start.

A prototype configuration manager is now ready. It is based on actual detected machine features, rather than having predetermined list available to choose from. It is now being documented, with tests being added.


This has been disable due to concerns about its behaviour. It was noted that Ross expects normalised polygons behaviour from Mantid. The existing axis-aligned cut-dnd works, jhowever the projection version doesn't, due to bin subdivision. We agreed to park the cut-dnd issue until after closeout, when a use-case will have been formulated.


The existing code for constructing instruments from nxspe information is largely working. Deficiencies in the information now in the nxspe files are: (a) moderator info overwritten (b) additional rep_* records need to be ignored as the format causes errors. Passed to Duc for fixing.


Toby's current task is to create processing for the detector data in the nxspe files to reduce it to what is needed to populate IX_detector_arrays. This is in progress; as Toby had to leave the meeting early there is no additional report on this.

Here are the original notes from the meeting; above is the edited and (hopefully) polished version (CM):

David not coming this time - discussion of post-closeout needs will be next week


Richard and Duc will take over interfaces for SpinW/Horace for maintenance and tracking of evolution A protocol has to be decided on how this will work - PACE and SPinw to discuss (=decide, test and approve) Jacob to be soPACE liaison CI exists

Grad project proposal ready, approved by Anders ISIS to fund if not SCD SCD has 8 ALC spots - propose ISIS funding related to Alex student work Alex/Jacob should work on preparatory work - narrow options, de-obscurify submission by 22/7 - Aug/Sept start

prototype config manager ready based on machine features rather than predetermined list- now being documented with tests being added

Actions: finish config manager (test/debug/Ross test) start scoping for grad project - specify details for grad (by end Alex leave) submit proposal fix persistent cluster prototype meet with Duc and Richard finish HPC parallel settings for H4 as part of configuration, H3 can be left (same as above) deal with Euphonic CI issue Euphonic interface issue - single-sign-on changes access - need to figure out pw for


Validated grid intersection algorithm - is fine cut-dnd - disable due to concerns - Ross expects normalised polygons behaviour from Mantid existing axis-aligned cut-dnd works, projection version doesn't, due to bin subdivision park cut-dnd issue until post-closeout when a use-case has been formulated


replicate in parallel run-id - need to clarify what this actually is student project - refactor and test combine_sqw



Harass David/Ross for H4 post-mortem - they do meeting and report to us Customer report from David cut-dnd question