Update to use PACE-shared-lib for setting of github status following pull request;
Parameterize the pipeline to allow adjusting of python and Matlab version when manually running;
Update to use rocky8 and icdpacewin;
Update to use conda environments throughout to keep consistent between Windows and Linux;
Remove usage of podman due to this no longer working;
Introduce separate build installer stage;
Remove unused external PowerShell and bash scripts;
Github actions workflow changes:
upload_pypi.yml updated to remove unnecessary stage as release.py is able to upload to pypi.
Misc file changes:
Add MCR_license.txt
Update 'ApplicationName' of installer in make_package.m to result in a better named installer dir (Pace_Python_Installerinstaller -> pace_python_installer);
Adjust paceneutrons\_init\\.py to account for varying dir structure when determining matlab version from ctf file. This changes depending on if done during use or during release stage of Jenkins pipeline. Paths are updated to account for this where used, including in release.py;
Regex in release.py changed to properly detect description from changelog when the tag includes letters e.g. 0.3.0a0.
Brille test in run_test.py disabled because hang on Linux (see #28) causes CI job to fail.
In progress pr for Jenkinsfile changes.
Jenkinsfile changes:
Github actions workflow changes:
Misc file changes: