pachadotdev / analogsea

Digital Ocean R client
Apache License 2.0
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Change default size to `1gb` ? #152

Closed sckott closed 6 years ago

sckott commented 6 years ago

right now we have 512mb

thoughts anyone? @amoeba @thercast @trestletech

amoeba commented 6 years ago

Good catch. It doesn't even look like they offer a 512MB option now that the doubled their Droplet sizes last month. I see the 1GB as their smallest now. I think the average analogsea user probably doesn't need more than the 1GB to start.

sckott commented 6 years ago

Right, i thkn it makes sense to give them the smallest size possible by deafult in those cases where they are surprised that it costs money 🙈

you can see that they still have 512 mb if you run analogsea::sizes() but they don't show it in the web UI

amoeba commented 6 years ago

Oh, tricky. I wonder if that would be confusing to a user f they couldn't find the Droplet size they see in R on the web. The Python, Ruby, and Go DigitalOcean packages all still use 512 so maybe just follow the crowd? Obviously, they could just be about to make the jump to 1GB.

I think the any pros of moving to 1GB as the default could be outweighed by the increased cost. Plus: DigitalOcean provides easy Droplet resizing.

sckott commented 6 years ago

I wonder if that would be confusing to a user f they couldn't find the Droplet size they see in R on the web

could try to ameliorate by documenting well :)

rpodcast commented 6 years ago

Chiming in late but my vote is to keep the default at 512 mb for the reasons mentioned ☝️ . It's easy enough to resize up for users if needed.

trestletech commented 6 years ago

Assuming that the unlisted 512MB instance is actually cheaper, I'd vote for the cheapest/smallest option until if/when you're spending lots of times dealing with bugs about people running out of memory.

But if the price is a wash or if you're spending lots of time helping people deal with OOM errors, I don't feel strongly.

sckott commented 6 years ago

thanks @thercast and @trestletech

Seems like there is one option with 1gb that is the same price, and two other options where its 2x and 3x the price

#>          slug memory vcpus disk transfer price_monthly price_hourly available
#> 1       512mb    512     1   20        1             5      0.00744      TRUE
#> 2 s-1vcpu-1gb   1024     1   25        1             5      0.00744      TRUE
#> 3         1gb   1024     1   30        2            10      0.01488      TRUE
#> 4 s-3vcpu-1gb   1024     3   60        3            15      0.02232      TRUE
trestletech commented 6 years ago

Well then I vote 1GB!

sckott commented 6 years ago

okay, i'll test and make sure that price is the right price, it's not clear what exactly s-1vcpu-1gb means