pachadotdev / analogsea

Digital Ocean R client
Apache License 2.0
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Default user should be recorded in droplet object #86

Closed wch closed 9 years ago

wch commented 9 years ago

When a droplet is created with cloud_config='ubuntu', you can only log in as user analogsea, not root.

I think the droplet object should record this user and use it by default.

Edit: in order for droplets() or droplet() to return this information, we'll need to retrieve the user-data metadata:

hadley commented 9 years ago

There's no way to record that information on the droplet. The plan is to make cloud_config the default, and then change the default user to analogsea.

wch commented 9 years ago

You can get it when you're logged into droplet, using the metadata API:

For example:

analogsea@revdep:~$ curl
- name: analogsea
  groups: sudo
  shell: /bin/bash

... but of course the problem with ssh'ing in and running this query is that you need to know who to ssh in as first.