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Redesign the "Account" screen #23

Open nikclayton opened 1 year ago

nikclayton commented 1 year ago

The account screen is a mix of content of different sizes and importance, with no clear visual hierarchy in the way the information is presented.

A new design should answer / address at least:

Private note






kallekn commented 9 months ago

The followers list should show whether they are mutuals (and a follow button if not). Also follower numbers should be shown.

jumase commented 7 months ago

Private note

* Where should it go? Stay on the main screen, or move to a tab?
* If it stays on the main screen should it be editable as it currently is? Keeping it editables takes up a large line of space. Perhaps it should be tappable, opening a dialog to edit the content
* Editing the content in a dialog would fix another problem; changes to the note are saved as you enter them, there is no opportunity to back out of making a change

I think it should be on main screen just where it currently is if there is already a note. I also agree with making it tappable, opening a dialog to edit the content. That way I figure that, for those profiles without any notes, there would be a button "Add private note" to make it noticeable for users, but it would be smaller.


* The bio information can be long enough that it pushes the rest of the content off the screen. Should bios longer than some number of lines be clipped, with a disclosure triangle to show more content?

Yes, I agree with clipping longer bios that way.

Fields and Joined

To better display these data, I think current web interface does a neat job. It places the Label (I would use bold font instead of capitalized font to avoid overriding intentional capitalization) and, on a new line, the Content (with normal font). Different fields are sepparated by a thin line. That also allows us to show joined date within the same table. Captura


* Not at all obvious that the "Follows" and "Followers" sections are clickable to show a list of accounts. Once you figure out that they are it's a bit weird that "Posts" isn't.

That's true, I got to know it by this issue report. ;)

  • Maybe the posts field can be removed, and the number of posts can be included as a badge on the "Posts" tab or as part of the "Posts" text? I'm for including it as a badge on the "Posts" tab or as a number in brackets.


* Does the current tab order make sense? In particular, "Pinned" is third in the list, that might make more sense if it was first.

I think it makes more sense to have it first.

Two additional things to consider:

  1. "Follows you" tag doesn't display on profiles when stats are hidden.

If "Hide quantitative stats on profiles" is enabled, then I can't see if a profile follows me or not. I think this information should be available whether you hide statistics or not. Is it as harmful/triggering as Posts, Follows and Followers quantities are?

Personally, I don't want to prejudge a profile (a person) by how many followers, posts, etc., they may have, and I prefer to see what they post. That's why I like to hide those stats. However, I find it useful to see if a profile follows me or not, because it affects if they (or myself) can view followers-only posts (and replies), I can better decide to unfollow someone that doesn't interest me anymore or maybe add them to exclusive lists (for people that posts too many, or for certain topics that I want to see sometimes but not always) instead of just unfollow them.

What do you think? Should "Follows you" be always displayed? As an alternative: could it be possible to add another wellbeing option to hide "Follow you" tag only —so, if someone actually feels bad about seeing that tag, they can hide it? That way, users can choose to hide stats and, if they wish, also hide the "Follow you" tag.

  1. Browsing your own Follows and Followers

Just by testing and exploring (1), I found out that my own statistics are hidden (from me). That's fine (if you ticked "Hide quantitative stats on profiles" on preferences). What I consider useful is making available an option to see your own Follows and Followers. Two ideas I can think of are:

I'm for the second implementation as it would be a more uniform user experience, and it would also better honour "Hide stats" preference (not hidding sections but stats).