pachterlab / MBLGLMBHGP_2021

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Preprocessing of mouse retinal cells #1

Open WeilerP opened 2 years ago

WeilerP commented 2 years ago

@sbooeshaghi, I went through your notebook on the mouse retinal cell analysis. During the normalization of the data using scv.pp.normalize_per_cell(adata), scVelo is throwing the warning WARNING: Did not normalize X as it looks processed already. To enforce normalization, setenforce=True. (same for layers unspliced and spliced). I had a look at the data and this is caused by the counts not being integers. Are the reads that kallisto bustools provides pseudo counts?

sbooeshaghi commented 2 years ago

kallisto | bustools will return non-integer counts >=0 if ambiguous 3' reads are disambiguated with the EM algorithm. Practically speaking this happens if bustools count --em is chosen or if bustools count without --genecounts is selected and then kallisto quant-tcc is ran to estimate isoform abundances from TCC counts