pachterlab / sleuth

Differential analysis of RNA-Seq
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Patch: bugs in sleuth_results & other miscellaneous fixes #163

Closed warrenmcg closed 6 years ago

warrenmcg commented 6 years ago

Hi @pimentel,

sleuth_results bugs:

I discovered two bugs in sleuth_results: 1) setting show_all = F still results in all target_ids being returned. 2) setting pvalue_aggregate = T results in the extra annotation data being missing.

I made the following changes to the function to hopefully correct this behavior.

spread_abundance_by speed-up

I also earlier had made a faster version of spread_abundance_by, and realized that it make it in the propagation forward of merged changes. That version is found below, and I have confirmed that it produces identical results in at least three separate datasets with different target_ids. Yet, it has a 3-fold increase in speed. It's a small gain overall, but it greatly affects the sleuth_live experience since plotting functions heavily use spread_abundance_by, and it affects to a small extent sleuth-ALR overall speed.

NAMESPACE issue with transform_status

When running devtools::document(), the NAMESPACE updated transform_status from a regular method to an S3method.

sample_to_covariates data.table error, addressing issue #153

When a sample_to_covariates table is provided to sleuth_prep as a data.table object, it passes the data frame check in place, but causes downstream problems. I put in a line to coerce any table that passes the check to a data frame.

Best, Warren

pimentel commented 6 years ago

Looks great -- as usual, thanks, @warrenmcg!