User has gmail and outlook email address. Current data model in Pacifica treats this single "carbon unit" as two different profiles with any number of disjoint associations if not closely managed and curated.
Split out the user contact information in the data model into separate table(s) to allow users to have any number of identities. This will ease burden on administration and enhance authorization models. It also allows the user the flexibility to use any number of external authentication methods and all link back to the same user profile.
Pacifica Metadata version
User has gmail and outlook email address. Current data model in Pacifica treats this single "carbon unit" as two different profiles with any number of disjoint associations if not closely managed and curated.
Split out the user contact information in the data model into separate table(s) to allow users to have any number of identities. This will ease burden on administration and enhance authorization models. It also allows the user the flexibility to use any number of external authentication methods and all link back to the same user profile.