pacificclimate / climate-explorer-backend

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sqlalchemy error #233

Open corviday opened 4 months ago

corviday commented 4 months ago

Docker instances of the newest version (3.6.2) throw the following error when any API call is made:

2024-02-20 17:03:47 [13] [ERROR] Exception on /api/multimeta [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/ce-9TtSrW0h-py3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/", line 1020, in __call__
return self.registry[key]
KeyError: 140433640835912

This does not seem to be an issue with our python code, as a version with identical code has been deployed as an unmerged branch. It is perhaps caused by an update to sqlalchemy.

corviday commented 4 months ago
corviday commented 4 months ago

I built a docker from 32ce883, and it did not have the error, so I think the error was introduced sometime after that hash, though it is still unclear what sort of error might appear only in docker containers and not on bare metal.

jameshiebert commented 4 months ago

@corviday have you tried running the test suite in a docker container? Does the /multimeta API call fail under that environment? Just trying to get a minimal test case so that we can narrow this down and work on it.

corviday commented 4 months ago

That's a great idea, thanks. The test suite has some failures, but they seem to be unrelated (a needed directory isn't mounted to the container) but other tests pass. I don't know what that means, but it's useful.

EDIT: I have restored the missing directory and all tests pass now. Hmmm.

jameshiebert commented 4 months ago

OK, that being the case can you give a full "steps to reproduce" overview then?

corviday commented 4 months ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Build a docker of release version 3.6.2, or use the one on docker hub
  2. Start the docker
  3. access any API endpoint to get an error. /multimeta is an easy one because it has defaults for all the parameters.

Given that tests work, issue is likely flask-related? I don't think flask is used the same way in tests as with the server running live. Hm, except that flask is used when running on bare metal, and that(s fine.

jameshiebert commented 4 months ago

Can you be more specific about what parameters you're using for step 2 and exactly what URL you're using from step 3? I still cannot reproduce this.

corviday commented 4 months ago

That's good news, I think?

Here are the current docker-compose.yaml and be.env files, with their extension changed and passwords redacted. be.env.txt docker-compose.yaml.txt

Here is my test URL.

corviday commented 4 months ago

Things that don't fix it:

Switching GDAL and / or python back has so far proved to be quite a tangle and I don't have an answer yet.

Working and buggy containers use the same version of sqlalchemy, so that's probably not the cause.